Daily Question, November 27 What does generosity mean to me? 28 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Patito7 years agoPatitoEs dar de sí, al mundo: personas, naturaleza, animales, plantas. Material o inmaterialmente 0 Reply Jane7 years agoJaneGenerosity to me means being able to give something of yourself to another. Giving time, items, support or something else to another selflessly. 2 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardTo me generosity means to be open fully to life, to live every moment to the full without hesitation and to be fully aware of those around me, their needs, and their gifts to the world around them. It is to be part of a great fullness of being. 1 Reply Yela7 years agoYelaGenerosidad es un estado natural del Ser, aunque no lo reconozcamos 1 Reply H7 years agoHGenerosity to me, means helping others selflessly. Not expecting anything in return. 3 Reply Cynthia Ann Leighton7 years agoCynthia Ann LeightonKindness and gentleness! In giving of yourself. In sharing your time, talent and treasure — no matter how small each bit may be. 4 Reply Malag7 years agoMalagAs many other posts generosity can be in many forms. I think it is likely to come from an abundance mindset. This question prompts me to consider my own mindset and how I can be more generous. It is not a natural flow for me. 2 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteMalag May I respectfully disagree with your "not natural for me" comment? You are spot on when you said "likely to come from an abundant mindset". I had just quoted Matt 13:11 and 12 in a response to Melania which relates to Matt confirming that "finding the kingdom" is only "having" necessary ..and all else comes in the form of abundance, naturally. So you intuition ( which is Mind of course, or perhaps a whispering from your Guardian Archangel too? ) was saying it is there now within ... Malag May I respectfully disagree with your “not natural for me” comment? You are spot on when you said “likely to come from an abundant mindset”. I had just quoted Matt 13:11 and 12 in a response to Melania which relates to Matt confirming that “finding the kingdom” is only “having” necessary ..and all else comes in the form of abundance, naturally. So you intuition ( which is Mind of course, or perhaps a whispering from your Guardian Archangel too? ) was saying it is there now within you and it is very “natural” too to self check for ways to be open for more. After all the Infinite “kingdom” is aways Infinitely more then any human can mentally grasp …and yet is ours to grasp anyway ! Read More1 Reply Doreen Nixon7 years agoDoreen NixonGenerosity to me means to be open in mind and heart and loving with all. To share the best one has to offer with another….willingly and with love! ???? 2 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617To me, generosity means taking the time to truly hear and respect another person. 2 Reply Melania7 years agoMelaniaAll my life I have found it challenging to ask for help. I gave fairly freely whenever I could. When I have problems whereby I need to ask for help, I want to be humble, not proud. Asking for and receiving help graciously feels like a generous act. (It seems even better when the giver does it without resentment.) Generosity is a glorious process for both the giver and the receiver when the generous spirit flows both directions. I do not take it personally, however, when it does not. 3 Reply Hot Sauce7 years agoHot SauceTo me generosity means treating others the way I want to be treated, especially by giving to them what I would otherwise want for myself and giving 10% of my income to beneficial causes, whether charities, the church, a homeless person, or someone stranded. 3 Reply John Turner7 years agoJohn TurnerTo me it comes back to humility. I once heard humility defined as not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less. And therein lies the true spirit of giving. If I can give to others (whether it be money, time, or emotional support) without them knowing it was me, so that my only takeaway is that *I* know I was generous, then that means the most. 3 Reply Lioness7 years agoLionessGiving with an open heart and mind and not expecting anything back in return. Far too often generosity is linked to money and that is disappointing to me. Anyone can give generously and it does not have to cost a thing. 4 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenTo me it means giving of something, time, money, talent in such a way that it tugs a little. What can I afford plus a little more. As well as helping others less fortunate it helps me be less attached to what is “mine” 2 Reply JohnM19487 years agoJohnM1948To offer whatever is needed without thought of what your generosity might bring in return. To do because it needs to be done. 5 Reply Barbara7 years agoBarbaraMaybe most important to overlook the others flaws and faults but instead to see their inner light. To do something out of the joy of giving and making the other happy. 8 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhat does generosity mean to me? This is a well placed question, Dear Moderator, you are reflecting on the 'Word of the day' by Merton here. "The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are all part of one another, and all involved in one another." THOMAS MERTON But Merton's overview of "compassion" has many layers to it and there is the danger that, if it were taken on surface level, it could promote "servile to na... What does generosity mean to me? This is a well placed question, Dear Moderator, you are reflecting on the ‘Word of the day’ by Merton here. “The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are all part of one another, and all involved in one another.” THOMAS MERTON But Merton’s overview of “compassion” has many layers to it and there is the danger that, if it were taken on surface level, it could promote “servile to nature-ism” and that would weaken what it is to be Truly Human. I will chose a deeper layer …one that identifies the fact that “as you give, so such you receive.” So long as that level is understood and APPLIED from the Heart and Soul ( and not the intellectual ) then one lives in the wonderful knowing that ….”one can’t give away a glass of water without receiving it back again.” Yes “keenly aware interdependence” but also there is deep, deep “keenly aware connectedness” on many, many, levels within Being-ness. Read More4 Reply Melania7 years agoMelaniaYes, I thought that the word for the day dovetailed with the question as well. Yes, both keenly aware interdependence and keenly aware connectedness are part and parcel of a just and generous life and world. What we do for another, we do for ourselves.. 3 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteIndeed “keenness” in awareness , keenness in the use of Mind (capital “M”) and not just the two handfuls of clay in the head. In Matt 13:11 it is described as”to know the mystery of the kingdom of heaven” and that “place” or “kingdom” has always been right there within each of us , ready to be the “abundance” 2 Reply Jodi7 years agoJodiSeeing a need, right in front of me. Then, rather than thinking too much about it and making excuses, stepping up and taking action. Feeling like the situation is given to me and it’s mine to respond to. 5 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteJodi Very, very well said! Yes! Heart and Soul, in action. Feeling and hearing what the situation is calling for. True Awareness of Being-ness. 4 Reply Jeff7 years agoJeffGiving without gain. Giving without counting. As mentioned by others, this applies to all forms of giving.. money, time, love. 4 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaLovely, apt question at this season of giving. I think a good part of it for me is spiritual generosity: what I would describe as true, unbridled happiness at another’s good fortune. This such a precious gift to give others. I can give money, time, attention, unconditional love. There are so many ways to give. Two I struggle with are simple acceptance of others’ “differences” and giving up my place in the grocery line! Happy Season of Giving to all who stop here! 5 Reply 1 2 Next » My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb