Daily Question, December 9 What is this moment offering? 17 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Patito7 years agoPatitoTomarme un momento y ver lo que hay a mi alrededor. Participar en política otra vez. Planeando mi vida académica. Reforzando mi fortaleza con terapia 1 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteThis moment is offering me the opportunity to be grateful. I’m grateful for this beautiful winter White wonderland I woke up to! Nature takes my breath away and leaves me in a state of awe! I’m so grateful that I have eyes to see and I’m blessed in each and every way. 3 Reply Sheila7 years agoSheilaAntoinette, how beautiful that is!!! Thank-you! Peace and blessings. 0 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardThis moment is offering me the opportunity to be connected to the entire universe if I live it fully focused on the now. That is where everyone is. 5 Reply Ian7 years agoIanThis moment is offering me sweet, quiet, solitude. There is a heavy fog outside this morning that muffles the sound of the busy city. I’m warm and cozy in my bedroom “nest” and my heart is full of gentle joy. 5 Reply John Turner7 years agoJohn TurnerOPPORTUNITY–of several different (but related) kinds: peace, honesty, serenity, and most of all this moment is offering the opportunity for gratitude. 4 Reply Kathy7 years agoKathyQuietness. Observation. Watching a squirrel climb a tree while it is snowing. One of my cats trying to cuddle with me while I type which is very unusual. Watching her watch the world outside the window. So innocent. So mischievous. 4 Reply Lulu Flanagan7 years agoLulu FlanaganThis snowy December Saturday morning is reminded me of the quiet Beauty of a north woods experience. 5 Reply Deb7 years agoDebAs I sit in my chair, this moment is offering me an unclouded sky with the sun shining upon me, the wind blowing and I am grateful. 6 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaHow lovely, Deb. May you carry the beauty of the moment through your day. 1 Reply Carol7 years agoCarolChoice…I attempt to remember that I always have a choice to respond or react to life. 6 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaFresh blueberries. What a marvel. 5 Reply Sheila7 years agoSheilaAll possibilities and we get to choose. A heartfelt thank-you to everyone on The Gratefulness Team and all who share their reflections.???? 6 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelDespite the world’s offerings, this moment holds no drama. Whew! 6 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhat is this moment offering? An opportunity to introspect on the deep Truth within to-day’s, ‘Word of the Day’.“ "As long as we’re rejecting ourselves and causing harm to our bodies and minds, there’s no point in talking about loving and accepting others.” THICH NHAT HANH And to further this introspection......... I will also connect it with the tradition of the Christian celebration of Christ's birth. Yes with all the symbols of lite candles and coloured lights and Angels ev... What is this moment offering? An opportunity to introspect on the deep Truth within to-day’s, ‘Word of the Day’.“ “As long as we’re rejecting ourselves and causing harm to our bodies and minds, there’s no point in talking about loving and accepting others.” THICH NHAT HANH And to further this introspection……… I will also connect it with the tradition of the Christian celebration of Christ’s birth. Yes with all the symbols of lite candles and coloured lights and Angels everywhere, these do mean much, much more that simply surface decoration, they can promote deep healing, something very needed at this time. Here is an exercise this puts those symbols to work and effect what Thich Nhat Hanh is pointing to and it will activate deep healing and then Loving others will be effective too. This is an exercise that Joshua Immanuel the Christ, our beloved one, had given in Greek and in Aramaic. We shall use the English language. Relax completely. Start: “The body is yours, not you. The holy Archangels and the Holy Spirit are sustaining it now. And they give you the right to use it as your own. It is your own: It is the temple of God -of God and of your Being-Self. Make this temple of God to have congregations of angelic elementals. Take away from this temple all human demons as evil elementals: jealousy, evil behavior, weaknesses, unbridled desires and emotions. Keep as congregation in this temple, in your body, human angels, good elementals. Create only good elementals in the light of love. In every temple there is a Holy of Holies. Make your heart the Holy of Holies of God. In the Holy of Holies there is also the altar. Make it in your heart. On the altar is burning the inextinguishable Life Light. The holy Archangels, they lit it in your heart. You are living -it is the pulse of life. Now we will light another wick in that lamp –your personality’s love for God and for all human beings around you. Live with these two flames of light in your lamp on the altar of your heart -love God and love all human beings. Don’t allow that flame to flicker -keep it a perfect light. Read More5 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinWhat is this moment offering? Life. And I’ll take it with gratitude 5 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaHow apt! Today in the northeast we’ll have our first snow of the season. Anywhere from 1 to 6 inches is predicted. I’m a little sad: won’t be able to go to my 12-step meeting and lunch with my friend. May be “stuck” in the house all day; but I have three movies on DVD, two writing projects to work on, the radio (which I love,) and then there’s always Christmas music! Indeed, it may wind up bein’ a lovely day just as it is. (Would also love to get in m...How apt! Today in the northe... How apt! Today in the northeast we’ll have our first snow of the season. Anywhere from 1 to 6 inches is predicted. I’m a little sad: won’t be able to go to my 12-step meeting and lunch with my friend. May be “stuck” in the house all day; but I have three movies on DVD, two writing projects to work on, the radio (which I love,) and then there’s always Christmas music! Indeed, it may wind up bein’ a lovely day just as it is. (Would also love to get in m…How apt! Today in the northeast we’ll have our first snow of the season. Anywhere from 1 to 6 inches is predicted. I’m a little sad: won’t be able to go to my 12-step meeting and lunch with my friend. May be “stuck” in the house all day; but I have three movies on DVD, two writing projects to work on, the radio (which I love,) and then there’s always Christmas music! Indeed, it may wind up bein’ a lovely day just as it is. (Would also love to get in my walk, but don’t know if that’s gonna happen!) As I’m sure Brother David would advise, “Gifts, there are always gifts in every moment.” Read More5 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb