Daily Question, December 25 When do I feel most generous? 15 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Bree7 years agoBreeI feel most generous when I feel I am good within myself. When I feel I actually have or am able to provide for somebody else. 0 Reply Adriana7 years agoAdrianaI feel more generous when I truly feel I have or can do something that could benefit another That means I feel more generous when I have faith in my strenghts 0 Reply LaurenGripp947 years agoLaurenGripp94I find that I am most generous when I feel that someone is in need of me. I feel generous regardless if people are mean or nice. After all, people who are mean are only mean because those around them aren’t very genuine. 0 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardWhen I am feeling most joyful. I want to share the joy with everyone. And it irks me when I cannot do this but I give it a go anyway. 2 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhen do I feel most generous? Brother David addressed this very poignantly in "Deeper then words" so I will quote him below. It is where he analysis Hopkins poem and focuses on "Justicing" which of course is also True generosity because it is action coming from a place where inner harmony and outer harmony resonate as ONE . It is the "YES" talked about before, it is "YES it is right to do this" act of gererostity ....and there is no doubt that the giver and the receiver are the same ONE h... When do I feel most generous? Brother David addressed this very poignantly in “Deeper then words” so I will quote him below. It is where he analysis Hopkins poem and focuses on “Justicing” which of course is also True generosity because it is action coming from a place where inner harmony and outer harmony resonate as ONE . It is the “YES” talked about before, it is “YES it is right to do this” act of gererostity ….and there is no doubt that the giver and the receiver are the same ONE heart. This is when generosity has the most feeling. Quote: “Yet, in Jesus, as potentially in every one of us, justicing adjusts the me-consciousness to the Christ consciousness. Can you somehow connect “justicing” with your personal experience and consciousness? Have you noticed that justice within you (an adjustment to what is right) makes you work for justice in the world around you? I do not mean judgmental activism, but inner harmony creating outer harmony, be it in the way you furnish your room or in the political action you engage in. The latter became so central for Jesus’ justicing that he paid for it with his life. He truly was the just man who justices-and so, Christ.” Read More2 Reply GT7 years agoGTI feel most generous when people who have been nasty to me ask for help. I do what I can and don’t dwell on any past experiences with them. 4 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelI feel generous continuously and give what I have (which many times is not too much hahhhh). but my spirit is to give and I am so thankful for that spirit. 2 Reply Barbara Morris7 years agoBarbara MorrisWhen I am opening my home to people. And when I have something to share, whether it’s knowledge, experience, hope, money, joy…if I have it, someone needs it, I’ll share it. If I am hopeless and joyless, I can’t share it, and that’s why it is necessary to nurture these things in your own life, so you can generously share it with others. 2 Reply beingedie7 years agobeingedieWhen whoever I am connected with is laughing. 1 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinI feel most generous when I perceive of a need unmet or hear the words, “Can you help?” 3 Reply CatX7 years agoCatXI feel most generous when I’m in the present, undivided, expansive with the joy and love of the universe. 4 Reply Doreen Nixon7 years agoDoreen NixonWhen connected to source… 4 Reply Heather7 years agoHeatherI am not sure about this. Generosity has always been a “should” in my life. I realize I’ve never focussed on the feeling of generosity I wonder, as I fill my heart to overflowing, noticing all the wonder in my life if I couldn’t help but feel generosity I think generosity must be born from a heart full of gratefulness and wonder. Where else could all that abundance go? 4 Reply Wanda7 years agoWandaWhen I can give and do for others. I’ve always been a nurturing person. I love taking care of others. 3 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaWhen I take pleasure–and it’s often–in another’s good fortune. It’s probably the thing I like most about myself: spiritual generosity. Happy Christmas to all who journey and rest here with us! 7 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb