Daily Question, January 27 How can I make time and space for the gift of silence today? 42 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. grateful sea7 years agograteful seaConsidering this question, I went back to a spot in the woods where two years ago I first experienced meditation as an exquisite gift. Where I was invited into silence by the many voices/one voice of a creek flowing over stones. The covered votive I had left two years ago was still there nestled in a hollow tree stump. The same sitting spot was there — long straight trunk of dead tree fallen horizontally caught by flanking brush a few inches off the ground. But this day, the shallow cree... Considering this question, I went back to a spot in the woods where two years ago I first experienced meditation as an exquisite gift. Where I was invited into silence by the many voices/one voice of a creek flowing over stones. The covered votive I had left two years ago was still there nestled in a hollow tree stump. The same sitting spot was there — long straight trunk of dead tree fallen horizontally caught by flanking brush a few inches off the ground. But this day, the shallow creek was not singing, it was frozen solid. No matter, it was lovely to sit in the peace of the place with eyes closed. I’m not sure how much time had passed when I felt a strong vibration begin at the far end of the tree trunk and then move toward and up through my “sit bones” into the base of my spine! Hmmmm. I opened my eyes and turned my head slowly to see sitting there quite near a fat, gray squirrel. Not churring, chattering, or tail-flicking as is a squirrel’s way but simply leaning back on its haunches regarding me with calm curiosity. Luminous, dark eyes. Each in our own stillness, gazing at the ‘other’ in a sort of timelessness. Then it leapt to the nearby trunk of a standing tree and climbed skyward. As I reflect on this, a verse from e.e. cummings comes to mind: we are so both and oneful night cannot be so sky sky cannot be so sunfull i am through you so i Thank you, Gratefulness Team, for these questions, helping me think and grow. Thank you to all who share here. Peace, all. Read More3 Reply Javier Visionquest7 years agoJavier VisionquestRich, Grateful Sea. Thank you for generously sharing this moment. The human assemblage point shifts here. 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseB E 3 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenMaking it important. 2 Reply Always Learning7 years agoAlways LearningConsidering my priorities will allow me to realize that I cannot take care of anyone else without taking care of myself. Like they say on an airplane, put on your own oxygen mask first. If I take time for prayer, meditation, quiet, and peace… then I will be better prepared to help others. 5 Reply Sheila7 years agoSheilaAlways Learning, I have been thinking of you. I know you have been having tests and it is a rough time for you. I am praying for you. Bless you. 3 Reply Always Learning7 years agoAlways LearningThanks. so, so much. Surgery on Tuesday Feb. 6 to figure things out. I am both very anxious and calm… so strange! I APPRECIATE your support! 2 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaAlways Learning, I too am thinking of you and will keep you in prayer. Love and light surround you! With thankfulness for you, Grateful Sea. 2 Reply Sheila7 years agoSheilaKeeping you in thought and prayer for your surgery on 2/6, Always Learning. Sending you blessings.???? 1 Reply Always Learning7 years agoAlways LearningThanks so much, Sheila! Prayers are wonderful medicine!!! 1 Reply Susan7 years agoSusanAll 3 of my sisters are coming to visit me for a week. We all have very different personalities and have gone in 4 different religious/spiritual directions. Their flight isn’t due to arrive for another couple of hours. It is enough time to pray, to just be in the Silence and to prepare my home for the Silence to be among us, even when we are all talking at once and sharing and it gets hectic during our family get together. May we all be uplifted in Joy and Peace. 3 Reply Hot Sauce7 years agoHot SauceHonestly, my schedule has been very hectic, so it has been hard to find time to be silent and alone, but maybe I can begin and end my day with prayer. This can help me to start my day intentionally with full focus on what is mine to do. I set this intention, trusting that such practice will help me grow in my relationship with Spirit and will help me to co-create a better reality for all. 4 Reply Durwin Foster7 years agoDurwin Fosternondual meditation practice, as facilitated by Mooji. 2 Reply Sheila7 years agoSheilaDurwin, Mooji is wonderful, so inspirational! When I watch him on you-tube I feel so at peace. Blessings. 0 Reply Maria K. L.7 years agoMaria K. L.Can you be in your heart and feel it being alive – no matter, what is going on outside? The warmth and love flowing through it? This are my wishes for You. Dearly 2 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaThank you. 1 Reply John Turner7 years agoJohn TurnerBy listening–both outwardly and inwardly. 2 Reply Russ7 years agoRussSilence is a gift I need to learn to cherish. To just be, sit here and enjoy. The world races on either way so we each need a few moments of silence and peace. 2 Reply Sheila7 years agoSheilaDeciding to do it. It can even be when I am doing things, such as washing the dishes, dusting, etc. and just focusing and quieting my mind. I don’t know who the author of this quote is, but I love it-“Silence isn’t empty. It is full of answers”. Peace to all who visit here.???? 6 Reply Springerlady7 years agoSpringerladyThe question for me is not so much how, but WILL I make space for silence today? Everything I have read this morning has mentioned the praise that occurs with silence… I think I am getting the message! 3 Reply music ed7 years agomusic edOuter silence is beautiful. but my deeper need is for the Silence within. To reach that Inner Silence, I must pass though my inner noise. Not something I can always do, but if all I can do is turn longingly toward the Silence, trusting that it is waiting for me, I will be given a blessing. Often, to my surprise, I will be carried over. Now I’m ready for my day! 3 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI can put down all technology and just sit, watching the flames reflecting off the walls and furniture and just Be. I can lean back into the great stillness, allowing my mind to skitter and chatter while I ignore the noise and focus on the silence within. I can intentionally open my heart to silence, asking to hear the still small voice of Divine Love. 7 Reply Chester7 years agoChesterPut it down – put all the unnecessary distractions and enticements down. 3 Reply Jeff7 years agoJeffStep 1: Decide. Step 2: Shoosh. Maybe over simplifying, but one must start with intent and follow with action. Which in this case is inaction-in-action. (that’s fun to say quickly). Okay, that’s enough. Shooshing now. 8 Reply Susan7 years agoSusanYes, Silence is so simple. It is ‘Shooshing.’ And we can all ‘Shoosh.’ Enough said. I am now ‘shooshing.’ 🙂 0 Reply Patty Shastany7 years agoPatty ShastanyI agree. Step 1 is decide. Instead of turning on the tv or so many other devices, I can choose a walk around the block really seeing the beauty around me. I can choose to sit and meditate. I can do a Sun Salute. Shoosh! 0 Reply Amor fati7 years agoAmor fatiAmor fati 2 seconds ago I love the word shoosh. Is it different from shush? 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOh, I think there are many many words used for hush, shush, shoosh, etc. It would be interesting how many in all the different languages represented here! 0 Reply Palm7 years agoPalm???? 1 Reply Barbara Morris7 years agoBarbara MorrisNow… I can put down my smartphone and be still in the silent dark morning. 6 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyI will find my gift of silence on my morning walk under the stars before the rest of the world is awake and bustling. It is a great meditation time for me. 5 Reply Barbara Morris7 years agoBarbara MorrisThat sounds like a wonderful way to start the day! 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyIt is Barbara – so wonderful. Sometimes I see shooting stars (and make a wish on every one!) and have conversations with owls! And a walk by the light of the full moon is magical. 4 Reply Barbara Morris7 years agoBarbara MorrisTell me, Nancy, why do i get caught up in so much nonsense when that which you describe is there for us every day? 0 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinAs a Quaker, and in my tradition we worship in silence. So I do try to find some quiet spaces each and every day. As I write this reflection I am staffing at a retreat with 20 plus children and half again as many adult staff, and I am tucked away in a quiet corner to write this reflection before the roar of the morning begins when children awake! 5 Reply Amor fati7 years agoAmor fatiThey are lucky children to have you with them. 0 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevin…I am lucky to be able to be among them, too. Thanks for your comments, my friend. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineSo much life in that roar! ???? 0 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinHi Aine….indeed! There’s a kind of primal, and at times, holiness to that motion and commotion, if one can listen past the noise to feel it. 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaKevin, if I may, I wish you to enjoy this holy roar! 1 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinThanks Anna, and that it was. Now, back home and the day after, I know it was a good retreat weekend when I’m feeling very tired. I usually try to schedule nothing at all the day following a weekend retreat with young people! 0 Reply Doreen Nixon7 years agoDoreen NixonI can make time and space for silence today through meditation practice. 4 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. 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