Daily Question, December 10 My desires can direct me to a more fulfilled life. What do I desire for my life? For the world? 39 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardI desire oneness, unity. As Jesus prayed to his Father in John 17:21-22 ‘Father, may they be one in us, as you are in me and I am in you, so that the world may believe that it was you who sent me.’ 2 Reply Hot Sauce7 years agoHot SauceI desire to be a more peaceful, loving person to all, since, as the Christmas song says, "War is over if you want it." Peace must begin with me. I also desire to look at everything with a higher level of awareness, appreciation, and spiritual depth. Furthermore, I have actually set an intention for myself not to get sick for the rest of the year. I believe our thoughts create reality, so I will see how this goes. I desire to be aware of God's love and Presence at all times, being open and recept... I desire to be a more peaceful, loving person to all, since, as the Christmas song says, “War is over if you want it.” Peace must begin with me. I also desire to look at everything with a higher level of awareness, appreciation, and spiritual depth. Furthermore, I have actually set an intention for myself not to get sick for the rest of the year. I believe our thoughts create reality, so I will see how this goes. I desire to be aware of God’s love and Presence at all times, being open and receptive to God’s healing love. Furthermore, I would like to have the courage to set my intentions in motion and trust that the Universe will give me whatever I need to fulfill those intentions. I also hope to be more forgiving, letting go of blame, remembering that everyone is divine regardless of their mistakes. Furthermore, I hope to give at least a 10% tithe of my earnings each month to charity, whether to the homeless, the stranded, the church, or someone in need of temporary financial assistance. I also hope to receive some more money, not for myself, but so that I can use it to benefit the world. I would also like to treat others as I want to be treated. Following the Golden Rule has been one of my big intentions this year. Furthermore, changing my thinking to be more useful and transformative for myself and the world is also a helpful tool. I also desire to grow in vast, expansive wisdom by listening to what others have to say and by continuing in my spiritual practice. Taking pleasure in the small things in life is a great intention that can make simple things more fun. I also desire to continue having inner peace. Getting rid of the idea of myself or anyone else as less than divine is a negative thought I am working on right now. To be grateful is one of my duties, I believe. I also hope to have a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty and love of others and of the natural world. Above all, I desire that God’s will and God’s will alone be done in the world, since the ultimate ideal is to submit to our dharma and live in harmony with God’s desires and missions for everything. Read More3 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenI desire to be free from conditioning and for the world also so we all feel connected and respectful of each other 2 Reply GREG MANNING7 years agoGREG MANNINGA world free of separateness, A community void of seclusion. A school class free of segregation. A world where no kid feels left out. No Woman feels unworthy. No man feels unneeded. In each of us lies a gift. In this we must move to make the difference we want to see. For a world of 1Love, I can see no greater mission. 3 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617That sounds quite noble and admirable. I hope for that world myself. 0 Reply John Turner7 years agoJohn TurnerFor myself, I desire the ability to support my family on my own. For the world? I desire the absence of all hatred and ignorance. 2 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelI desire a spirit of collectivity vs competition. I desire that the people orchestrating and engineering the pain we see in the world are either forced towards collectivity or somehow open their eyes to the need to move away from a competition economy/government. my desires are that my children inherit a world of peace, collectivity, and no lack. 4 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617I would like to see this as well and wonder how this ethos can be spread. 0 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelFor all: mindfulness, compassion and the realization that peace IS attainable if we see it as individuals and practice it in communion. 2 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteSame as last year! :) What I desire for my life and the world starts out with the 4 Immeasurable's: May all sentient beings have equanimity, free from attachment, aggression and prejudice. May they be happy, and have the causes for happiness. May they be free from suffering and causes for suffering. May they never be separated from the happiness that is free from suffering. My intention each day is to have happiness and be free from suffering. I set out each day to try and help peo... Same as last year! 🙂 What I desire for my life and the world starts out with the 4 Immeasurable’s: May all sentient beings have equanimity, free from attachment, aggression and prejudice. May they be happy, and have the causes for happiness. May they be free from suffering and causes for suffering. May they never be separated from the happiness that is free from suffering. My intention each day is to have happiness and be free from suffering. I set out each day to try and help people and to not hurt anyone. I want my life to be filled with love and compassion and this is what I hope to send out to the world. Read More4 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteMy Desire-thought is the very same one as the one a year ago.“Absolute Harmony in the Noetical, the Psychical and the material worlds.” And, since it is the time of year when when some do take the time to recognize what the significance of his “Birth” means …..I will add…..”Self Realization”. “As long as we are dreaming and under the time and place illusions we cannot see ourselves in introspection, in looking within. Looking within? Christ said that the Kingdom of the Heaven... My Desire-thought is the very same one as the one a year ago.“Absolute Harmony in the Noetical, the Psychical and the material worlds.” And, since it is the time of year when when some do take the time to recognize what the significance of his “Birth” means …..I will add…..”Self Realization”. “As long as we are dreaming and under the time and place illusions we cannot see ourselves in introspection, in looking within. Looking within? Christ said that the Kingdom of the Heavens, which is in us, is our own nature. Christ said also that we should seek the Kingdom of the Heavens within us and everything will be added to us. And I wish to emphasize that all those things will come. So, keep in your minds, what is really worth having is Self-Realization. “ Read More3 Reply Kathy7 years agoKathyFeeling calm and satisfied, all of the time. I love all of the responses I have read. I hope to feel the same way. 3 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinMy desire to live a fulfilled and meaningful life at points intersects with and then veers widely from what I might want for the world. I view it as a realistic, if not sad, reality. I want and seek shelter, security, human rights and proper health care for myself and for my fellow global sisters and brothers. In ways that I can, I support causes and organizations that help to make this happen. Beyond those basics, I may desire, for example, a new automobile or a more cost efficient air conditio... My desire to live a fulfilled and meaningful life at points intersects with and then veers widely from what I might want for the world. I view it as a realistic, if not sad, reality. I want and seek shelter, security, human rights and proper health care for myself and for my fellow global sisters and brothers. In ways that I can, I support causes and organizations that help to make this happen. Beyond those basics, I may desire, for example, a new automobile or a more cost efficient air conditioner, and with planning I can afford both. I would very much like the same opportunity to exist for all people but I know that many people the world over have more pressing and immediate needs. They may be waiting for a safer road to be built to their village and new poles to carry electricity into their homes for the first time. Read More4 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617I relate to your experience. I struggle so much with putting my own lot in a global perspective. I don’t know how to reconcile the tremendous resources available to me with the lack of resources so many others experience. Many times, the best explanation I have is that expression, “Wherever you go, there you are.” 0 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinHello Erich, And I might add another expression that helps in this situation, too. “Bloom where you’re planted.” I take that to mean that I should strive to do the most good that I can with the resources that I have, wherever I happen to find myself. …Thanks for your comment. 0 Reply Malag7 years agoMalagThat I touch the world around me and those within it in a way that leaves all on balance a bit better than if I wasn’t here. For the world, I think if everyone did that, the change would be phenomenal. 3 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelWell said, and achievable, cynics step aside! 0 Reply Ose8 years agoOseThat each one in this shared world may be able to have their needs covered for food, clean water, shelter, warm clothes; that living together peacefully is the normal state of being instead of being the exception, that I may be able to serve and fulfill my part to live together peacefully; that love may unfold unlimited. Unlimited. 4 Reply Patricia Snudden8 years agoPatricia SnuddenMy deepp desire for our world is acceptance of one another with all our differences. May we come to walk as one without trying to laud it over one another. 5 Reply Cintia8 years agoCintiaI desire to be simple, to live in the present moment with all my heart. Simple in my thoughts, words and actions. Give the same respect that I would like to receive. Learn and practice the balance in order to share the best of who I am with the world. 5 Reply Mary8 years agoMaryI desire more energy. I commit to going to bed earlier this week- like 9:00. The other things I desire will be more within reach if I had more energy. Mary I just read what Mavorneen wrote- inner peace for me and peace for the world. That would truly be the best of the best. And I do commit to going to bed at 9:00 every night this upcoming week. Being more well rested will help with my sense of inner peace and everything that I would like to do. I will report back to the group on how I ... I desire more energy. I commit to going to bed earlier this week- like 9:00. The other things I desire will be more within reach if I had more energy. Mary I just read what Mavorneen wrote- inner peace for me and peace for the world. That would truly be the best of the best. And I do commit to going to bed at 9:00 every night this upcoming week. Being more well rested will help with my sense of inner peace and everything that I would like to do. I will report back to the group on how I am doing. Mary Read More6 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinWishing you the best of luck with your 9 PM bedtime goals, Mary! I am an early riser, but also I head to bed every night at 9 PM. Most nights I have little choice, as my brain pretty much shuts down about that time and my body is not far behind! I think though in time the inner clock can be trained to retire at an earlier time….but it does take time! 0 Reply Gina8 years agoGinawishing you all you seek, Mary 0 Reply Mavorneen8 years agoMavorneenInner peace for me, plain old “peace” for the rest of the world. 5 Reply Mary8 years agoMaryI so agree with you Mavorneen. I really cannot think of anything better for myself and for the world. Mary 3 Reply Anonymous8 years agoAnonymousFor my life: to be an apprentice to the Creator, Scientist, Artist, Musician. For the world: true love. 3 Reply Ben8 years agoBenI desire to live a deeply creative life dedicated to service, embedded in a truly inclusive and open-minded-and-hearted community, a place to truly love and be loved, to share from our hearts and basic material goods both. And I desire that the world be full of this community for all of us, and that it be based in justice and fairness and a true valuing of each of our gifts. And I desire that all beings are included in this community, that all are kept safe with clean water, clean air, a live-... I desire to live a deeply creative life dedicated to service, embedded in a truly inclusive and open-minded-and-hearted community, a place to truly love and be loved, to share from our hearts and basic material goods both. And I desire that the world be full of this community for all of us, and that it be based in justice and fairness and a true valuing of each of our gifts. And I desire that all beings are included in this community, that all are kept safe with clean water, clean air, a live-able climate, thriving ecosystems, healthy food chains, and a reverence for the inherent sacredness of life… Read More4 Reply Gina8 years agoGinayes ,yes ,yes ,yes, yes, yes to all responses and thank- you. 4 Reply 1 2 Next » My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb