Daily Question, July 26 When I am silent, what do I hear? 25 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Janette7 years agoJanetteMyself embroiled in a constant battle to figure out how to get well. Trying to learn how to quiet my mind and reflect on what I’m grateful for and calming my mind. 0 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimThe heartbeat of the Universe. 2 Reply JoeytheHoff7 years agoJoeytheHoffI often hear inner dialogue that I have to calm in order to find silence. 4 Reply Janette7 years agoJanetteI am the same. It’s a difficult thing to overcome. It becomes a habit I’ve found. Am working on quieting my mind and reflecting on peace and calmness. 0 Reply Christine7 years agoChristineThe Still Small Voice – Sometimes. It takes a bit of practice!! 3 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenmy breath 1 Reply Hot Sauce7 years agoHot SauceChirping of birds and crickets, the calls of bugs, the wind blowing in the trees, the barking of a dog, the dirt under my shoes, the rain dripping down, creation revealing God’s creativity 2 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteWhen I’m silent I hear that every little thing is alright. I’m innner guide tells me that taking the time to listen and be open to love which is all around. 5 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelI “hear focus”. 3 Reply coastmoor7 years agocoastmoorQuiet Corner Of The Garden I can hear the travellers: Motor cyclists, car drivers, haulage contractors Yet not yet the aircraft pilots, but that won’t be long I can hear the construction workers Builders, joiners, plumbers, electricians Men with saws, drills, planes and electric screwdrivers I can hear the infrastructure being updated Men digging holes, and cutting trenches For the super fast broadband cables I can hear a woman Bringing out cups of tea, having a laugh Her way to keep the w... Quiet Corner Of The Garden I can hear the travellers: Motor cyclists, car drivers, haulage contractors Yet not yet the aircraft pilots, but that won’t be long I can hear the construction workers Builders, joiners, plumbers, electricians Men with saws, drills, planes and electric screwdrivers I can hear the infrastructure being updated Men digging holes, and cutting trenches For the super fast broadband cables I can hear a woman Bringing out cups of tea, having a laugh Her way to keep the workmen working I can hear the Gregorian chant On my Bluetooth speaker Beneath my meditation seat I can hear the breeze As it gently traverses Through the grasses and the trees I can hear my mind Rattling as it slowly settles To the sound of the first helicopter of the day Read More5 Reply Ben7 years agoBenI hear my heart, resonating with the hearts of everyone I’ve touched or been touched by, and the beautiful and mysterious life of nature all around and within me. 🙂 7 Reply Amor fati7 years agoAmor fatiAn internal “swoosh” of air displacement, or the movement of wings, as my heart opens and expands to receive the guidance I’ve asked for. 5 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhen I am silent, "who" do I hear? I prefer to make the change for "what" to "who" above. "Who" better identifies the intelligences within silence. The presence of these "Super Intelligences" is the direct assurance that we Human Beings are never alone. Be Well Present EdS "When you sit in meditation, in silence, you listen to this dialogue. I ask you with whom are you talking with? You think: 'it is with myself" It is not with yourself, it is with your Guardian Angel that you a... When I am silent, “who” do I hear? I prefer to make the change for “what” to “who” above. “Who” better identifies the intelligences within silence. The presence of these “Super Intelligences” is the direct assurance that we Human Beings are never alone. Be Well Present EdS “When you sit in meditation, in silence, you listen to this dialogue. I ask you with whom are you talking with? You think: ‘it is with myself” It is not with yourself, it is with your Guardian Angel that you are talking. That’s why I say listen to your inner voice and consult that super intelligent Archangel who loves you. ,.., Daskalos Read More3 Reply Trevor7 years agoTrevorInfinitude asking why I am still reincarnating. 1 Reply Deb7 years agoDebKevin pretty well nailed it for me! Although I am not a Quaker, silence is the one practice I engage in that is a necessity in my life. What do I hear in silence? What I need to in that moment. 5 Reply Meg B7 years agoMeg BWhite noise 2 Reply Trevor7 years agoTrevorI hope it’s not like the kind from electronics… 0 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaHad it just the other evening: not reading or coloring–just being. It was delicious. Can hear God when I’m silent or can open myself to hear Him/Her. 5 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinWhen I am silent I can hear almost everything. And then if I go even deeper into that silence the ‘everything’ that is related to sound itself fades away too, which is wonderful. As a Quaker, silence to us, since we worship in silence, is akin to what a good pipe organ is to a Presbyterian or a revival is to a Pentecostal! And silence has feet of its own, too. I have observed how silence is understood and practiced among artisans, from weavers to musicians and from writers to rowers. The ... When I am silent I can hear almost everything. And then if I go even deeper into that silence the ‘everything’ that is related to sound itself fades away too, which is wonderful. As a Quaker, silence to us, since we worship in silence, is akin to what a good pipe organ is to a Presbyterian or a revival is to a Pentecostal! And silence has feet of its own, too. I have observed how silence is understood and practiced among artisans, from weavers to musicians and from writers to rowers. The beautiful thing about silence is that nobody owns it and it cannot be apportioned, sold and taxed. – Kevin Read More14 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaWonderful, Kevin. Thank you! 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAinePerfect. 0 Reply Gina7 years agoGinaLove it, Kevin : ) 0 Reply Deb7 years agoDebYou are so right, Kevin! Rumi said “Silence is the language of God, everything else is a poor translation.” . 3 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinAh, Rumi! 0 Reply Gina7 years agoGinaand for me silence is the sound of love… 2 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb