Daily Question, April 15 Where is there “small beauty” around me right now? 23 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Anonymous7 years agoAnonymousAs I ask my self “where is there small beauty around me right now” ? I t took a while to centre my self and repeating this question to my self, a sudden sense of special “ness” filled me. The thought I am loved filled my senses without having to do anything to earn it. I felt the presence of my home where I belong , my home. The bed spread looked beautiful.Down the room a ladder which had metal clasp and that too to me looked beautiful as if it was crafted or so beautifully designed by s... As I ask my self “where is there small beauty around me right now” ? I t took a while to centre my self and repeating this question to my self, a sudden sense of special “ness” filled me. The thought I am loved filled my senses without having to do anything to earn it. I felt the presence of my home where I belong , my home. The bed spread looked beautiful.Down the room a ladder which had metal clasp and that too to me looked beautiful as if it was crafted or so beautifully designed by someone or a machine. Everything started making sense. Read More1 Reply Amor fati7 years agoAmor fatiI agree with those of you who said there us nothing small about beauty. When it inhabits my observation…be it of a person, a place, a smell, or a memory, the Object becomes limitless. 0 Reply Trevor James7 years agoTrevor JamesChanting softly out of a boombox turned Buddhabox, Amituofo on repeat 24/7. 1 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenI sit in a small room when I reflect. Where is there beauty? I have an altar. Above the altar I have a picture of my family of origin. Beside the altar lots of inspirational books and teachings. The rest of the things in the room to me is “stuff” These items are symbolic of deep meaning and true beauty. 3 Reply Deb Waites7 years agoDeb WaitesThe drops of water on the bamboo of the porch (remainders of the deluge of rain last night), a gecko scurrying on a broad leaf and the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean in front of me. 2 Reply Malag7 years agoMalagA small blind cat leaning in to me with a welcoming purr. 5 Reply Deb Waites7 years agoDeb WaitesOh, Malag! That sounds wonderful and in my mind’s eye, I am experiencing that with you! I do miss having a cat! 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaI believe that thinking of a “small” or “large” beauty is a kind of anthropocentric view. At the beginning, the whole Creation was very good, and it is good still now. 2 Reply Gina7 years agoGinaAnna, I agree- so many good things of beauty all around if I make a point of seeing it… the rain today is a bit more challenging after the wondrous day yesterday….I will look elsewhere….inward more maybe? 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaOf course Gina! Look at your kind soul, there is the sun. 0 Reply Gina7 years agoGinaYou too! : ) 0 Reply Ose7 years agoOseIt is not really possible for me to discriminate between small or large beauty. I am surrounded by beauty everywhere. The sun shines and alternates with episodes of rain, both beautyful, depending on the viewpoint, but both essentially beautiful and essentially needed, like all around. The leaves, the water, all which exists is just beautiful, when I look at all which exists with loving eyes. 3 Reply Sallyl7 years agoSallylMy children next to me, connected, communicating and sharing simple thoughts. My husband feeding their souls as he prepares food for them. The joyous voices of a simple reunion that in minutes will be short but in connection will last a lifetime. 4 Reply Michael7 years agoMichael“Small beauty” is beauty that might have otherwise been missed. But as look now out the glass door at the back of our apartment I see light filtering thorough greening branches above the roofs of garages, and my words cannot contain the beauty. 4 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteI don't think there is sutch a thing as small beauty. There is beauty in everyday day life, in fact, that's where we find true beauty. It's in the Now. True beauty is everywhere and gratitude helps me take it all in. The breath is the perfect example of beauty in its essence. Breathing in I feel spaciousness full of joy and exhaling I smile and feel love. This is maybe what some would call "small beauty. But is breathing really a small thing? It's our life force so, I say it's huge beauty! ... I don’t think there is sutch a thing as small beauty. There is beauty in everyday day life, in fact, that’s where we find true beauty. It’s in the Now. True beauty is everywhere and gratitude helps me take it all in. The breath is the perfect example of beauty in its essence. Breathing in I feel spaciousness full of joy and exhaling I smile and feel love. This is maybe what some would call “small beauty. But is breathing really a small thing? It’s our life force so, I say it’s huge beauty! Being connected to every is a gift to be grateful for. Hugely beautiful and worth bowing to. Read More3 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhere is there “small beauty” around me right now? I can not say there is such a possibility in existence as a “small beauty”. “Beauty” is a dimensionless state in which we experience our Being-ness unimpeded by any form of “conceptual ” thinking””. (aka “classifying”). Good question thought as it links in with where I happen to be re-reading Br David’s, “Deeper then Words” …specifically …”suffered under Ponticus Pilot”……….Pilot being the “worldly ... Where is there “small beauty” around me right now? I can not say there is such a possibility in existence as a “small beauty”. “Beauty” is a dimensionless state in which we experience our Being-ness unimpeded by any form of “conceptual ” thinking””. (aka “classifying”). Good question thought as it links in with where I happen to be re-reading Br David’s, “Deeper then Words” …specifically …”suffered under Ponticus Pilot”……….Pilot being the “worldly classifier” playing his assigned role in this case of Mankind being reminded of who and WHAT we are, beyond name and form…….Selective quoting here to highlight what is happen to us when one opens awareness and the sensation of “Beauty” occurs……..“You may remember moments in which you were most truly yourself precisely because you lost yourself, say, looking at the starry sky or at a sleeping baby. Suddenly the sharp border by which you set yourself off from others fades away. In those peak moments we can get a taste of what the mystics call “communion with God,”….[great way of expressing “beauty” ] though all the emphasis is on limitless belonging, not on any notion of that to which we belong. [[ that is what I call “dimensionless”]]….It would seem impossible to experience this deep belonging and not to commit oneself wholeheartedly, for it fulfills our deepest desire. But for most of us the memory of our peak experience fades. [[[ yes the “Prodigal Son”, rememberer his Princehood, is the opposite of that fading/forgetting ]]] In our most genuinely alive moments [[which is “beauty”]], we become aware of a life-force within us that is not subject to decay. In these moments we experience what Maslow calls the B-values-facets of the diamond of Being-beauty, truth, goodness, and the like. You may look at (and smell) an orchard in full bloom, listen to David Whyte reciting a poem of profound truth, or watch firefighters on the evening news, and suddenly you experience with a shiver of recognition that your own life is indestructible because it is animated by the beautiful, true, good, and indestructible life-force. [[[[ AMEN to that brother David AMEN!!!]]]]This being-in-the-flow of Life, this being-accurately-set right with Being, goes also by the names of righteousness andjustice. When we catch a glimpse of it, when we get the slightest taste of it, we understand intuitively what Psalm 16:9 wants to say: “You [God] will not let your righteous one see corruption.” …………..[[[[and an as a Researcher of Truth it means that the “Pontious Pilot” (the corruptible ego-ism, in each Human Being will merge with their truth Self (the incorruptible) Christhood ……which is exactly what all experiences of “Beauty” are! .Be Well Be resent Be “Beauty-Full” Read More2 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelIn the motel clerk last night Luis. In the breaths i draw. I am able today to eat a meal now. I am thinking of n feel the passion towards making my mark again today in making the world a better place (I am grateful). 2 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteLovely. 0 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimIn my small hands, where the story of my life is written. 4 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinI am fortunate enough to have one room in our home that serves as my office. Some might call it my study, but that sounds too highfalutin for my way of life. Since retirement I have been slowly repurposing how I use this space. Today, the walls of this room serve as a home photo gallery for many of my favorite images, from stills of old meetinghouse benches to images of children both passive and active, and seaside shots of waves, lighthouses and periwinkles inching their way through the sand. ... I am fortunate enough to have one room in our home that serves as my office. Some might call it my study, but that sounds too highfalutin for my way of life. Since retirement I have been slowly repurposing how I use this space. Today, the walls of this room serve as a home photo gallery for many of my favorite images, from stills of old meetinghouse benches to images of children both passive and active, and seaside shots of waves, lighthouses and periwinkles inching their way through the sand. Everything I’ve done, what I stand for and what I believe is present in this space. An old walking stick juts out high on one wall holding a gong, that when struck, gives off a long, soft-sounding hum. Since she was five one of our granddaughters makes it her mission to run in, and using a stick with soft foam on one end that I keep just for her, strikes the gong’s clapper three times before dashing outside to play. Like many folks, I have my little pile of “to-do’s” beside my computer. There is beauty too, I suppose, in something that’s waiting, that others are waiting for me accomplish and send them which I suppose I could be doing right now. – Kevin Read More4 Reply Christine7 years agoChristineI wonder how many small children have done the same thing over time. Coming to grandparent’s and performing a little ritual before running off. It seems to be a universal activity amongst the little ones – God love them!! 1 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinIndeed, I agree. With six grandkids blessing our lives between the ages of 6 and 11, it’s amazing how many times they bring up little things that they do every time that they visit. They take in everything and forget nothing and treat repetitive things that we do with them like little rituals and events that hold meaning for them and of course Gramma and Grampa too! Thanks for your comment. – Kevin 3 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaWhat a nice question. I guess there is small beauty in the tulips I planted which haven’t bloomed…yet! In the rescue cat who snuggles beside me when I’m in bed. In the cup of coffee I just brewed. So many places there is small beauty. TG for it! 3 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb