Daily Question, August 17 The best things in life are free. How can I savor them more? 18 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Sieger des Friedens7 years agoSieger des FriedensTo savor is for me to take it in unconditionally, direct and full. To stay in that fullness and richness. To experience the abandons smile and swim like a fish be in that swarm 2 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyPractice mindfulness. 2 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteI savor every moment I’m healthy. Freedom from pain is a total blessing. I savor the fact that I have the freedom of this precious life. I’m able to feel a kiss and hug. I am able to express and give love freely. Joy is in every breath and love in every exhale. 2 Reply Paul Y7 years agoPaul YI really savor a breeze on a hot summers’ day. I really savored that glass of ice tea that my friend bought this morning. God loves us as we are and not as we should be and that is free and I try to savor that as well. 2 Reply Hot Sauce7 years agoHot SauceThere is no limit to the love I can give and receive, and there is no limit to the amount of wisdom I can gain and share with others. For love, I need to do my best to keep improving myself and expressing the love within me. When I fail, I don’t need to feel like a failure. I simply must get up and try again. I can continue gaining wisdom by reading, listening, and following the spiritual practices I have been using. 2 Reply Loving_Kindness7 years agoLoving_KindnessA couple of ideas come to mind. The first one is that smiles are free. Giving a smile and savoring a smile returned always lifts my spirits. The second is to make it a point to give thanks for blessings one might take for granted like good health, a car that works, or a morning cup of coffee. 2 Reply Deb7 years agoDebFull awareness. Gratitude. Be-ing. Do-ing. 2 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelSee without expectation. Love will arise on its own. Smile. 4 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteThe best things in life are free. How can I savor them more? By being the awareness that in each beat of the heart is the Source, the Pulse of Life, saying, “I Love, and you Live”, “I Love and you Live”, “I Love and You Live” …..and consciously using that pulse beat, with full gratitude, to time my, 4 in / 4 out, meditation-breath cycles. 3 Reply Dr. Gerry FD7 years agoDr. Gerry FDI have been focusing on being super intentional. Celebrating small moments….a great meal, a beautiful sunset, a clean house or the gift of time. Wishing you a wonderful day! Peace & Blessings, Gerry 7 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaIt’s Nature for me. I try to walk every day and love being outside. Reminds me of when I was a kid and would play outside ’til dark (in the days when kids did that!) The air, the light, the breeze–it’s great and free as a bird (in both senses!) Happy Day To All Who Stop Here!! 7 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinI try to savor moments, any moments as they come whether they are free or not. While I get the point of today’s question I find myself asking just what do we mean by “free?” And it’s too early to dive back into philosophy 101! 5 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimKevin, looks like your answering post didn’t reappear yesterday. I am going to send you the email address via your website, by signing up for newsletter content. Will that work, to also send the info on Quaker resources? You will know it is mine as the name ends with 22. 2 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinHello Pilgrim! Yes, I have received your email! I had hoped that the good people who moderate this site would have reviewed the post I tried to send yesterday and realized it was legitimate. But that said, and as a blogger myself, I totally understand the need for such filtering too. What's interesting is that when I know that I am going to post something on this site of some length I usually create it in Word first and then copy and paste it in because I have lost stuff more than once here ... Hello Pilgrim! Yes, I have received your email! I had hoped that the good people who moderate this site would have reviewed the post I tried to send yesterday and realized it was legitimate. But that said, and as a blogger myself, I totally understand the need for such filtering too. What’s interesting is that when I know that I am going to post something on this site of some length I usually create it in Word first and then copy and paste it in because I have lost stuff more than once here when I posted. Of course this time I didn’t….lesson learned….maybe! I will respond to you via email very soon. Thanks for sending your email to me. Cheers! Kevin Read More0 Reply Always Learning7 years agoAlways LearningI created a gratitude list on my computer. It is the BEST mood elevator. ???? It was fun to do… I recommend it to everyone. It is so important to look at what we already have, instead of constantly thinking about what we don’t have. That just leads to more “wanting.” 7 Reply Trevor7 years agoTrevorBy letting go of things that aren’t free as much as I can without forcing it. Choosing to find liberation from materialism through minimalism sounds like an easy start. 2 Reply Trevor7 years agoTrevorLol my friend sorry that was my response to this question, I was originally trying to reply to you first. I will certainly keep gratitude journaling at least once a week (evidence suggests 1 to 3 times a week may be more beneficial than daily journaling) as part of an exercise on the Greater Good Science Center action site, lots of other nifty exercises here for free, I’m going to savor them: https://ggia.berkeley.edu 2 Reply Always Learning7 years agoAlways LearningI tried to figure out the best way to do my list, so I set up columns on a Word document, and just made a list. Periodically, I alphabetize/sort it to see if things are showing up more than once. So far, I have 18 pages. I list anything I love... people, food, hobbies, shows, books, vacations, memories. I don't do it every day... but when I do it is so neat. It is a blessing just knowing it is there. I am preparing to do some new journaling based on a wonderful book I read. It is by Michael Jone... I tried to figure out the best way to do my list, so I set up columns on a Word document, and just made a list. Periodically, I alphabetize/sort it to see if things are showing up more than once. So far, I have 18 pages. I list anything I love… people, food, hobbies, shows, books, vacations, memories. I don’t do it every day… but when I do it is so neat. It is a blessing just knowing it is there. I am preparing to do some new journaling based on a wonderful book I read. It is by Michael Jones. The title is The Seven Victories of the Divine Child. I recommend it! I took an all day seminar from him. He is awesome. 🙂 Best of luck with your journaling!!! *<{:^D-\–< ((( Read More0 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. 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