Daily Question, June 14 How can I take a higher road of love, acceptance, forgiveness, kindness? 32 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Sieger des Friedens7 years agoSieger des Friedensforgiveness as it is a new field to work on is to let go of the inner constraints of injuries. Feeding it by repeating (in the inner dialog) the he/she injured me so badly is contaminating my own breath and nurtering a thought pattern as well as a most likely behavioral pattern: Which wolf do I feed? 2 Reply Sieger des Friedens7 years agoSieger des FriedensI like the package of love, acceptance, forgiveness and kindness as it brings me into the state of connecting with lifeforces of the universe. Setting an intention is one of my appropriate approaches: intention to love, accept fogive and being kind as a human being relating to others and connecting with. To see behind the curtain of masks is a challenge also for myself: taking of my masks (which I learnt to keep as protection) and having that half smile on my face, which is the entrance to the ... I like the package of love, acceptance, forgiveness and kindness as it brings me into the state of connecting with lifeforces of the universe. Setting an intention is one of my appropriate approaches: intention to love, accept fogive and being kind as a human being relating to others and connecting with. To see behind the curtain of masks is a challenge also for myself: taking of my masks (which I learnt to keep as protection) and having that half smile on my face, which is the entrance to the universe of the other. Read More1 Reply nicole decroix7 years agonicole decroixfor me that is always trying to see the goodin everyone no matter how hard that might be 1 Reply Simka7 years agoSimkaWow, so many wonderful words of wisdom! As others have said, taking the high road is easier, and more spontaneous, when there are practices in place (like meditation) - the more I offer love, acceptance and kindness it, the easier it is to do. That said, it's something I struggle with at times. When this happens I find it comes down to being willing to offer acceptance, kindness and forgiveness to myself, even when (or especially when) I don't feel I deserve it. When I can hold my own anger or... Wow, so many wonderful words of wisdom! As others have said, taking the high road is easier, and more spontaneous, when there are practices in place (like meditation) – the more I offer love, acceptance and kindness it, the easier it is to do. That said, it’s something I struggle with at times. When this happens I find it comes down to being willing to offer acceptance, kindness and forgiveness to myself, even when (or especially when) I don’t feel I deserve it. When I can hold my own anger or unkindness in a compassionate embrace, my defensiveness eventually collapses. Then can it becomes possible (even easy sometimes) to view the situation and person/people involved with compassion and truly act from the heart. Read More2 Reply Rowena Twilleager7 years agoRowena TwilleagerPersevere, courage and never give up until reach on top hill… 2 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteA higher road is to actually understand what the word forgiveness means. What is forgiveness? "Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred. It does not pardon sins and make them real. It sees there was no sin. And in that view are all your sins forgiven. What is sin, except a false idea about God's Son? Forgiveness merely sees its falsity, and therefore lets it go. What then is free to take its place is now the Will of God." A Course in Miracles-... A higher road is to actually understand what the word forgiveness means. What is forgiveness? “Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred. It does not pardon sins and make them real. It sees there was no sin. And in that view are all your sins forgiven. What is sin, except a false idea about God’s Son? Forgiveness merely sees its falsity, and therefore lets it go. What then is free to take its place is now the Will of God.” A Course in Miracles- workbook Read More2 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteP.s I hope it’s ok to add one more thought to this, as well as clear up my last post. 🙂 (sorry for the mistakes. I was rushing.) 0 Reply Cheryl7 years agoCherylHow can I not? For 30 years I prayed for a happy outcome to my hearts troubles. Finally my prayers were answered. I knocked on a lot of Heaven’s doors for help. The joy is outstanding! 3 Reply Therese7 years agoThereseI try to be aware of what is Happening within myself and to express this in a real way. I also try to be aware what is happening in the other Person. And I take trouble for feelings of compassion for the other Person and for me. 3 Reply Bev7 years agoBevCounting other people’s sins does not make you a saint 2 Reply KC7 years agoKCpractice, practice, practice … 3 Reply Aine7 years agoAineBy refusing to hate. 2 Reply Ben7 years agoBenIf there’s someone I’m angry with, seeing the wounded child within them often brings me back to love, forgiveness, kindness and acceptance. If a life situation arises that I perceive involves an unjust loss for myself, reaching out and experiencing the kindness of those around me is one way I can find the love and kindness in the universe again (and in that way forgive the universe). If a tragedy involving others arises, focusing on the helpers (as Mr. Rogers encouraged people to do) is ... If there’s someone I’m angry with, seeing the wounded child within them often brings me back to love, forgiveness, kindness and acceptance. If a life situation arises that I perceive involves an unjust loss for myself, reaching out and experiencing the kindness of those around me is one way I can find the love and kindness in the universe again (and in that way forgive the universe). If a tragedy involving others arises, focusing on the helpers (as Mr. Rogers encouraged people to do) is a way to find kindness in the midst of terrible circumstances. And if I’ve said or done something I regret, that seems like a failure, I can choose to turn away from self-blaming thoughts and hold the wounded child in me with love and acceptance. Read More6 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteHow can I take a higher road of love, acceptance, forgiveness, kindness? The same response here as to yesterday’s Daily question is in order here … Through the golden keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, observation, concentration and meditation ( and applying gratefulness to the end result to each one of those ) we learn to see the seven heavens in us. When material life grows heavy, instead of looking outward to solve problems, we should tum inward to find peace and happiness. We have to... How can I take a higher road of love, acceptance, forgiveness, kindness? The same response here as to yesterday’s Daily question is in order here … Through the golden keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, observation, concentration and meditation ( and applying gratefulness to the end result to each one of those ) we learn to see the seven heavens in us. When material life grows heavy, instead of looking outward to solve problems, we should tum inward to find peace and happiness. We have to work patiently, always remembering that spiritual truth and awareness are two of the greatest gifts of our Father. We must realize that we have been placed in a certain position in life, with karmic responsibilities and opportunities. To grow spiritually we must honor both our gifts as well as our debts. If we are not conscious in this world as it is it is as if we were not really living. And, if we are not conscious of God within us, we cannot expand and become aware of the Eternal Now . By turning life into a meditation ( followed by gratefulness ) it will allow the Truth behind the expression …”seeing one’s Self in the “Other”” to come out. Read More3 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteThat was absolutely beautiful Ed. ” You are my friend because you are the same as me. ” A Course in Miracles It’s a beautiful opportunity to awaken. 0 Reply Alexa7 years agoAlexaA higher road towards love, acceptance, forgiveness, and kindness starts with the willingness to be open. It is sparked by the ability to be confident in one's beliefs while simultaneously having an objective view when listening to others. Listening is the key word. We have to depride ourselves and listen to our opposing sides. Understanding each other is the heart of solving disagreements. If there is no mutual willingness to be open to the other sides opinion and understand it, misunderstandin... A higher road towards love, acceptance, forgiveness, and kindness starts with the willingness to be open. It is sparked by the ability to be confident in one’s beliefs while simultaneously having an objective view when listening to others. Listening is the key word. We have to depride ourselves and listen to our opposing sides. Understanding each other is the heart of solving disagreements. If there is no mutual willingness to be open to the other sides opinion and understand it, misunderstanding, hate, and rejection unfortunately results. We also should take in mind that time is fleeting; as we cannot be stepped on or be a pushover by constantly forgiving, we have to recognize that life is short and holding grudges does not only take the toll on our relationships but our own happiness. Another way to achieve more love and acceptance of others is finding love of yourself- making yourself be the best person that you can be- whatever that is for you. This creates happiness in one’s own self which then can be transmitted onto others. Like the Beatles once said, “Love is all you need”. It is very true. What makes something extremely enjoyable is the company we share it with, whether if it is at a party, work, or any activity. Love and peace is what we need to spread, and this comes with honesty, openness, compromise, self-love, and a desire to have bot of these entities. Read More4 Reply Deb7 years agoDebSo many excellent responses here! Re-member in, in-spiring, daily-ness, acceptance of help…… I especially appreciate Michael’s and the Nike ad for the how of this question: Just Do It! 2 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenIt helps me to be inspired. I usually get that through reading examples of other people or observing other people who are full of grace. Sometimes it helps me to remember and recall good feelings I had when I was kind and accepting. This reminds me to choose a certain response. 3 Reply Julie7 years agoJulieMy daily practice of meditation certainly helps me get closer to the higher road although is not a guarentee. I find that the more I am really connected to myself and my heart, the more loving and accepting I am of others and situations. I also try to hold a bigger view of life so that I don’t personalize or catastophize things happening around me. When all else fails touching in on my heart energetically helps me sense the divinity in us all. 4 Reply Gina7 years agoGinaJulie, That is beautiful and what I strive for too! That is so perfectly said, Wishing you a wonderful day, Gina 1 Reply Gina7 years agoGinawell ,this is the question for me….. by being true to myself, remembering I too am human and flawed and also worthy of love, forgiveness, acceptance and kindness… being okay with what is… yesterday a dear friend stood me up and my sisters have now basically disowned me which is upsetting. but real life is not perfect and no one said it was going to be……. love, forgiveness, acceptance , kindness is mine for the seeking….. 4 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelAs the ad used to say: Just do it. And keeping a steady sense of humor helps. 4 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaIn a small scale, Keep listening, actively listening, trying especially when I am with those people that I don't like. Maybe who I don't like is suffering and her/his pain is at the roots of her/his bad attitude. Speaking of social, environmental, political scale, it is harder, for me. So, i try to learn from Mother Teresa, thinking that what I do, what everyone does in his/her private life, has an effect on the world. May I hold in my heart and in my mind a good descernment when I make my c... In a small scale, Keep listening, actively listening, trying especially when I am with those people that I don’t like. Maybe who I don’t like is suffering and her/his pain is at the roots of her/his bad attitude. Speaking of social, environmental, political scale, it is harder, for me. So, i try to learn from Mother Teresa, thinking that what I do, what everyone does in his/her private life, has an effect on the world. May I hold in my heart and in my mind a good descernment when I make my choices. Read More5 Reply 1 2 Next » My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. 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