Daily Question, February 26 In what way can I offer my gifts to the world and be of service today? 24 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Vince7 years agoVinceAt times in my life, it seemed like I was walking down a dark and lonely street, and praying that a familiar light would appear to guide me and allay my feelings of isolation or uncertainty. To those who may at one time or another find themselves feeling this way, I would like to offer this insight. It’s that, maybe we are all sometimes afraid to be alone with ourselves, and we may ‘interpret’ the darkness as something to be afraid of, and it’s really our negative asso...At times in my l... At times in my life, it seemed like I was walking down a dark and lonely street, and praying that a familiar light would appear to guide me and allay my feelings of isolation or uncertainty. To those who may at one time or another find themselves feeling this way, I would like to offer this insight. It’s that, maybe we are all sometimes afraid to be alone with ourselves, and we may ‘interpret’ the darkness as something to be afraid of, and it’s really our negative asso…At times in my life, it seemed like I was walking down a dark and lonely street, and praying that a familiar light would appear to guide me and allay my feelings of isolation or uncertainty. To those who may at one time or another find themselves feeling this way, I would like to offer this insight. It’s that, maybe we are all sometimes afraid to be alone with ourselves, and we may ‘interpret’ the darkness as something to be afraid of, and it’s really our negative associations with the word darkness that we have to fear. Darkness is also a time to sleep, a time of quiet, and a time to rest, and yet we know these are not things to be afraid of, either. I’m starting to see that to really embrace my self totally, I must embrace and accept these periods of darkness and uncertainty, and Brother David might even point out that this is the ‘mystery’ of life that he often talks about. Throughout my life, I’ve also viewed my ‘journey’ as walk through a garden, and to see all the beauty in that garden, I feel a person must walk rather than run through it, as I often see people do. If life is like a vast garden paradise, then it should have many twists and different paths, as well, and at night the garden must rest under the moonlight, too. It’s natural in life for there to be darkness, and for it to be harder to view our path sometimes, as well. So, what I’m offering is, don’t be afraid of the darkness and uncertain times in your life, just imagine you’re walking in a vast garden at night, with a different kind of light, accept the uncertain times as a time for rest in our journeys, smell the night flowers and fragrances, and know that it’s just another part of the mystery that is what we are, that makes the whole of life. It’s just part of our inner light, and the knowledge that there is always a great mystery at work, in and around us, the garden that in its cycles of day and night, we call life. Read More0 Reply Kathy7 years agoKathyI frequently spend time in my grandson’s first grade classroom. I do projects to support his teacher, read with the children and work with then on their math facts. It is as much a gift to me as it is to them. 3 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardI can offer to the world my love of life: thanks to its beauty that nourishes my soul, its abundance that feeds, clothes and shelters me, the millions of brothers and sisters it has given me to cherish in daily contact and through prayer and meditation and sharing of resources. This is my life work. 2 Reply Hot Sauce7 years agoHot SauceI can offer my gifts to the world by doing my best service when I am doing my duties. At work, I can be as diligent and creative as possible with the projects I am working on. At school, I can use my intelligence to be the best student I can be. During free time (what’s that? LOL), I can focus on spiritual practice so as to discern my dharma and use it to transform the world. 1 Reply Char7 years agoCharI can offer my gifts to my students by being patient and listening with an open heart. 2 Reply Shawn Thomsen7 years agoShawn ThomsenThe way I can offer my gifts to the world is to begin replanning and restructuring workshops that I can teach to improve or establish the fundamentals of improvisation. I can also off my gifts to be present for the fellow members of my health group and help to guide and inspire them to reach their life goals. Today I have decided to set up a scheduled training plan through an app that allows me to schedule their workouts, allows the members to track and record their workouts, meals, and stats. I... The way I can offer my gifts to the world is to begin replanning and restructuring workshops that I can teach to improve or establish the fundamentals of improvisation. I can also off my gifts to be present for the fellow members of my health group and help to guide and inspire them to reach their life goals. Today I have decided to set up a scheduled training plan through an app that allows me to schedule their workouts, allows the members to track and record their workouts, meals, and stats. I am excited to provide this service for them. Read More1 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617I am working on some projects that will bring my community together. Hopefully that will have a positive impact. 2 Reply heynowtaco7 years agoheynowtacoBe open with my students, be present in the classroom, listen with empathy and curiosity. 2 Reply Elizabeth M Jones7 years agoElizabeth M JonesMy gifts? What are they? Love, organisation skills, gentleness, kindness, joy, beauty, homemaking, writing, painting, teaching,and faith. Now that I know what my gifts are I gift it back to you great creator of all and ask for these gifts to be used in your service today. 2 Reply Elaine7 years agoElaineI’m grateful for the question today because I will be the recipient of services that support my well being. I will serve the servants by being attentive and present. In the spaces I will be awake to the opportunities that are sure to come to be kind, to be life-giving. 2 Reply Eva Liu7 years agoEva Liuby truly listening to my patients, not only in what they say verbally but paying attention to their non-verbal cues and not letting my mind wander off to other things. 3 Reply Deb7 years agoDebThere is a teenage boy in Terrytown, LA whom I have never met, but every month I send him a note with a calligraphic wise saying to encourage him to create a worthy life. 4 Reply Ricki Grantmyre7 years agoRicki GrantmyreI pray for the courage to overcome my anger and negative thinking to help the brave students across our country and in my community with their compelling initiative to demand and march for reasonable gun control. 4 Reply Aine7 years agoAineHmmm. Probably to be aware enough to my world that I see those needs/opportunities as they arise and courageous enough to respond to those needs! 4 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelBe aware, be present, demonstrate the value in calm. 3 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteI believe by honoring the sacred laws of the universe in love I offer myself each and every moment to the world. I am so grateful for the blessings I receive each moment. I bless this site and all the people who work and contribute to offer us this place to awakening to our highest potential. Thank you! Peace and love to all. 4 Reply Barbara Morris7 years agoBarbara MorrisMy neighbor unexpectedly passed a few days ago and his dear, frail wife is alone. My husband and I will visit her daily to help her out. “Sometimes there is only so much you can do, but you have to do that much.” 8 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOh, dear. I am sorry. I think the biggest help is probably that ongoing presence of caring. Once all the busyness and people surrounding the initial loss and funeral fade away, there is often a yawning chasm of silence and loneliness that grows. Having someone care enough to Be with the one left is an immeasurable grace. There was a dear couple who lived down from my grandmother, who was far away from us. For many years, they dropped in, did her lawn, helped in her garden, picked up the odd ... Oh, dear. I am sorry. I think the biggest help is probably that ongoing presence of caring. Once all the busyness and people surrounding the initial loss and funeral fade away, there is often a yawning chasm of silence and loneliness that grows. Having someone care enough to Be with the one left is an immeasurable grace. There was a dear couple who lived down from my grandmother, who was far away from us. For many years, they dropped in, did her lawn, helped in her garden, picked up the odd thing at the store for her as she did not drive, and were just THERE. The things they did helped, but it was the gift of Them that was the truest assistance. Their loving presence enabled her to stay independent until shortly before her death. Their deepest gift was simply to give and receive love, faithfully. Such beautiful blessings, those two! ???? Read More2 Reply Barbara Morris7 years agoBarbara MorrisThank you, Aine, for letting me know how important our help can be and how we can really make a difference. I always look forward to seeing you here and reading your wise words! Bless you❤ 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseIn simply being present, in being kindly available for people who might need support, in giving what is required, in calling, and in enjoying being alive and happy in the sunshine outside in nature, although it is freezing cold. Have a good day, you all who visit here. 6 Reply Doreen Nixon7 years agoDoreen NixonI can simply be present. By being in the moment, that moment will reveal what is needed to being of service…if I remain open and receptive to what the Universe brings that is. I am willing to be of service, please guide me… 8 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinThough I sometimes wish that my life’s circumstances allowed me to travel to some of the neediest places around the world to be of service in some way, I know in my heart-of-hearts that I am also a proponent of the following life-focusing principle: “Bloom where you’re planted.” So I look around the corner and over the next hill for things hidden in plain sight that might benefit by my attention and labors. I have made relative peace years ago that if God wanted me to be elsewhere, then ... Though I sometimes wish that my life’s circumstances allowed me to travel to some of the neediest places around the world to be of service in some way, I know in my heart-of-hearts that I am also a proponent of the following life-focusing principle: “Bloom where you’re planted.” So I look around the corner and over the next hill for things hidden in plain sight that might benefit by my attention and labors. I have made relative peace years ago that if God wanted me to be elsewhere, then God would open my way for that to happen. Read More7 Reply Aine7 years agoAinePerhaps when our worldview is one of caring, the Where of it matters less than we might think. My missions trips to Haiti as a teen forever and profoundly changed my life, but the biggest part of their gift in showing me how connected we all are, even to those we do not know. Thus, you in a silly wig surrounded by children in need of love somehow is connected to, and affects, the whole web. It is a great mystery. Maybe that is a small glimpse of omnipresence as we participate in the acting o... Perhaps when our worldview is one of caring, the Where of it matters less than we might think. My missions trips to Haiti as a teen forever and profoundly changed my life, but the biggest part of their gift in showing me how connected we all are, even to those we do not know. Thus, you in a silly wig surrounded by children in need of love somehow is connected to, and affects, the whole web. It is a great mystery. Maybe that is a small glimpse of omnipresence as we participate in the acting out of the love of God? I cannot fathom it, but I am humbled to be a part of it. Read More2 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinHumbled, indeed….thank you for your words here, Aine. They surely ring true for me and many others….. My best to you. 0 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb