Daily Question, May 16 What does it mean to live life from the knowledge that we are all from the same source? 25 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Brooke Saide7 years agoBrooke SaideTo me it allows a sense of belonging and the ability to see others as a source of inspiration. If we’re all from the same thing, and we’re all going the same direction, these people aren’t just other ducks on the pond their lessons, teachings, guidance and most importantly someone to share with. That’s big and beautiful. That person on the side walk? That’s family. 4 Reply Ose7 years agoOseThat there is no real separateness. That we are each one an expression, a unique sparkling form of realization of the source; sparkling life, and it means that we are meant to express this sparkling which we all share in our unique way. And so do animals and plants. To be in this world, to bring in our individual gifts, talents, strengths and weaknesses, so that the beautiful rainbow appears in all its colors. It means pure joy and universal variety in the light of love. 4 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmGood reminder also Ose, that although coming from the same source, we are all unique and our task here is to bring that 1 Reply Valerie7 years agoValerieA reminder to consciously remove on a daily basis the wall that I unconsciously keep building around myself (and those I love). 5 Reply Ben7 years agoBenTo me, it means extending love and solidarity to every person I can, and to take protective action and write and sing on behalf of nature, and to let myself be held in simple acceptance with others and with life, knowing that I belong, and soaking that into the cells of my being (to be given again from this embodied knowingness). 5 Reply Ineunt7 years agoIneuntDifferences are superficial. We love, struggle, doubt and press on all the same. We are all the same. 3 Reply Betsy7 years agoBetsyTo me it means to recognize the divinity within all of us (not just those who share our values), and all of earth's creature's, including the earth herself, rocks, soil, water and so on. Living into this awareness and acting accordingly feels more important now than ever, as we continue to destroy each other and the earth that sustains us all. In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr: "The whole of Scripture tells us that, in a world truly oriented toward God, we would be like Jesus: both care... To me it means to recognize the divinity within all of us (not just those who share our values), and all of earth’s creature’s, including the earth herself, rocks, soil, water and so on. Living into this awareness and acting accordingly feels more important now than ever, as we continue to destroy each other and the earth that sustains us all. In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr: “The whole of Scripture tells us that, in a world truly oriented toward God, we would be like Jesus: both carers and cared for, in a continual flow of love and respect and nurture among us all. The sheep, like people, need care, and the shepherd, like God, finds his or her purpose in caring. That relationship is the divine life, flowing like water among us all.” source: https://gracebrooklyn.org/11517-a-sermon-for-the-rev-dr-martin-luther-king/ Aren’t we all both shepherds and sheep each in our way? I pray that we can learn to be better stewards of this earth and each other… to assume reciprocity and responsibility in our relationships with each other and Mother Earth, rather than having an attitude of superiority and conquest. Rather than living from a stance of scarcity (take and keep), I aim to live from a stance of abundance (give and receive). Not always possible to do every second of every day…I am human after all…but certainly a possibility to live into. Read More4 Reply Deb7 years agoDebWe are from the same source and will return to that source. However, our paths are different and must be respected. 4 Reply KC7 years agoKC…to consciously connect with that place of inter-being where we are all one; to think and act with deep surrender, reverence and gratitude for all beings and the natural world… 5 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelwe are all truly connected. the energy I put forth has an effect on everyone. we can truly be harmonious because we are built to be that. the chaos exists because of perceived differences and resistance to the fact we are all from the same source. 5 Reply Bernadette7 years agoBernadetteIt means I begin each interaction from that place of inherent connection. 5 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenWe are all inherently good deep down even though some do not act from that knowledge. We all deserve a chance to discover this. We are all interconnected and we can focus on this to feel harmonious in the world. 5 Reply sparrow7 years agosparrowLiving like this brings an awareness of how deeply we are connected . . . we are not only connected, but we are one. I really make an effort to see what appears to be ‘other’ as a wounded and distressed part of myself, not as an evil interloper . . . not always easy. But then, who told us Life would be easy? 5 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaPeople who write here are from the same “star dust” of me, as Palm says. So, thinking of that and of my busy time, i wonder if dear Gina and Ed are well. I hope so, yet I have not seen their posts, in these last days. This is not because they have to write, of course, but because a common feeling grows, being here every day. 3 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmThis is heart warming dear Anna 1 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteYes and re: “from the same star” answers the days question briefly and nicely. So Thanks for the “wondering about Ed” but I am very well…now that the outside world is greening in I spend more time out there and less indoors.A much longer and detailed answer to the day’s question. “What does it mean to live life from the knowledge that we are all from the same source?”…could be.. Human Beings are "Dual in ONE". We are temporary personalities ( that which "thinks" it is sepa... Yes and re: “from the same star” answers the days question briefly and nicely. So Thanks for the “wondering about Ed” but I am very well…now that the outside world is greening in I spend more time out there and less indoors.A much longer and detailed answer to the day’s question. “What does it mean to live life from the knowledge that we are all from the same source?”…could be.. Human Beings are “Dual in ONE”. We are temporary personalities ( that which “thinks” it is separate from its source) and Holy Monadic Beings at the same time. Being Holy Monadic meaning we are the same as our Holy Archangels brothers (always were always will be) …and therefore that we are among the “US” referred to in the Geniuses phrase, “Let US make Man in our own image and likeness”. That said then …there is nothing much else that matters over and above the teachings and examples of Joshua Emanuel the Christ (paraphrasing his words here) …”.if you do as I do then you will do greater things then what I have shown to you.” There in is the potential or the “knowledge” ( that word in todays question) of what our “source” really and truly IS! But it is up to each individual Soul, applying its Will power, combined with its knowledge of the Truth, to being it into fruition. JEtC also reminds us, “by their fruits you will know them (that do his works)”. And that is the bottom line of knowing one’s “source”. Be Well Be Present Read More4 Reply Carol7 years agoCarolFr. Richard Rohr in his book, Oneing, says, “Transformation means to change form, move across or shape-shift. To be transformed is to look out at reality from a genuinely new source and center, seeing things in a larger and more holistic way.” In that field of awareness, creature and creator are one. It’s an awesome and humbling relationship. How do I respond? That is the question I live moment to moment. Do I work for God (willful) or do God’s work (willingness)? 4 Reply Deb7 years agoDebOh, good question, Carol!! I will be contemplating that! 0 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinIt means that we should love, respect and support our neighbors without exceptions. 2 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteWhen we live life knowing we are all from the same source we go with the flow of things more. We don't try to work against things by fighting everyone and everything that's happening to is. Today I'm going through a really hard time and this question at first made me react negatively. It brought up feelings of the enemy we just thought about a few days ago. When we feel attacked maybe we should reflect on where that's coming from? I am feeling attached right now but how should I respond whe... When we live life knowing we are all from the same source we go with the flow of things more. We don’t try to work against things by fighting everyone and everything that’s happening to is. Today I’m going through a really hard time and this question at first made me react negatively. It brought up feelings of the enemy we just thought about a few days ago. When we feel attacked maybe we should reflect on where that’s coming from? I am feeling attached right now but how should I respond when we are coming from the same source? All I know at this very moment is that I want things to be turn out well for everyone. But how is that possible? What’s the secret? Read More3 Reply Deb7 years agoDebKathleen's prayer is a terrific mantra to repeat throughout the day. I also like the quote by Teihard deCardan "Above all, trust in the slow work of God. We are quite naturally impatient in everything to reach the end without delay. " When I feel attacked my reaction is defensive and attack back. But I strive to respond by breathing compassion, for them and me, and that may take the form of distance so I can bless the situation even if I don't understand it. Peace and good cheer be yours, An... Kathleen’s prayer is a terrific mantra to repeat throughout the day. I also like the quote by Teihard deCardan “Above all, trust in the slow work of God. We are quite naturally impatient in everything to reach the end without delay. ” When I feel attacked my reaction is defensive and attack back. But I strive to respond by breathing compassion, for them and me, and that may take the form of distance so I can bless the situation even if I don’t understand it. Peace and good cheer be yours, Antoinette! Read More2 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteThank you Deb. 0 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenAntoinette, this helps me, when I feel attacked I say the following prayer of compassion for myself and the other person, our relationship and for anyone who may be affected by it. May I be free from suffering and the causes of suffering. May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering , May we be free from suffering and the causes of suffering. 5 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteThank you Kathleen. 0 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmBeautiful reminder, we are made of star dust and come from the same misterious source, the thought makes my breath slow down and deeper, and so much looses relevance, it means inclusion. 3 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. 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