Daily Question, February 19 What stories have I heard that most inspire me to treasure life? 16 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardThe first answer that came to my mind was, ‘hundreds of them, maybe thousands, or more.’ I come across them all the time. So I’ll select two of my favourites: The man born blind from John’s Gospel and Helen Keller. 2 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyWhen I read this question I think of my very brave niece who battled cancer for 8 years. She taught me how to fight and how to live. That life is short and sometimes shorter that you think. She did not waste one minute of her life feeling sorry for herself with a “why me” attitude. She was so positive and full of life and never gave up even in the end. 3 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelevery story of overcoming any type of obstacle is inspiring. overcoming obstacles is a daily part of life and definitely makes me treasure the difficult and the sweet parts of life. 1 Reply Virginia gallant7 years agoVirginia gallantGrateful today for the sun, the beautiful sky and wind as I walked. 1 Reply Hot Sauce7 years agoHot SauceThere was a man who had a deep desire to go to the Grand Canyon one year, but he was unable to go, unfortunately. Years later, he finally did go and stood over the scenery with a particular kind of camera that had been invented after the year he originally wanted to go to the Grand Canyon. Years later, he found a video footage of himself at the Grand canyon with that particular camera, taking a picture of the scenery-yet this footage was from the day he was originally supposed to go to the Grand... There was a man who had a deep desire to go to the Grand Canyon one year, but he was unable to go, unfortunately. Years later, he finally did go and stood over the scenery with a particular kind of camera that had been invented after the year he originally wanted to go to the Grand Canyon. Years later, he found a video footage of himself at the Grand canyon with that particular camera, taking a picture of the scenery-yet this footage was from the day he was originally supposed to go to the Grand Canyon! To this day, the video footage lacks an explanation. These kinds of stories about time anomalies always inspire me to embrace the mysterious and unknown in all of life. There is more in the universe than we could ever truly understand or dream of! Read More1 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenPeople who give back, who devote their lives to a cause, little kids who raise money for others. There are countless examples and they always take my breath away, 1 Reply Elizabeth M Jones7 years agoElizabeth M JonesStories of a child going to school on a normal morning in February and dying in the arms of a friend because of a bullet. 5 Reply Elaine7 years agoElaineStories of families and individuals who seek refuge in Canada from persecution, war, discrimination, or political oppression move and inspire me. Their courage, determination, resilience and appreciation remind me over and over to treasure the life I have – simply by accident of birth. 3 Reply Sharon7 years agoSharonThe biography of Nelson Mandela has always deeply inspired me. This man, who was banned and persecuted and imprisoned for 25 years under a regime that hated, came to rule the country in non-hate, seeking the good of all people. I aspire to treasure life — all of life — in that same spirit. 5 Reply Deb7 years agoDeb“To treasure life”? I appreciate being alive on this earth at this time. I appreciate the consciousness that allows me to be mindful of my life. I know I lead a grace given life. I also know it could all change in an instant. When I think of treasure, what comes to mind is hiding, holding, hoarding. I try to do none of that. I try not to cling to life. Maybe I don’t treasure life……. 2 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhat stories have I heard that most inspire me to treasure life? All store / parables / which the church authorities allowed to be included in the New Testament (and those not included.)……and all the way to ……”Messages of Life from Death Row”, a collection of letters from Roger McGowen, (an innocent former death row inmate) and most definitely ....... the story - video called "Simplicity" by Pierre Pradervand, available on his website ...... http://gentleartofblessing.com/letter-... What stories have I heard that most inspire me to treasure life? All store / parables / which the church authorities allowed to be included in the New Testament (and those not included.)……and all the way to ……”Messages of Life from Death Row”, a collection of letters from Roger McGowen, (an innocent former death row inmate) and most definitely ……. the story – video called “Simplicity” by Pierre Pradervand, available on his website …… Letter to a friend in a hurry Pierre’s story is a “breath of fresh air” in an age of constant Moral Grandstanding by news and social media. Read More1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaI agree, Ed. Pierre Pradervand’s offerings, especially the Gentle Art of Blessing, have been important in my spiritual journey. I am inspired by Pierre’s story of how the text came to be and by all the stories of relationships healed through the practice. 1 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteThats nice but still, I highly recommend listening to “Simplicity”. 0 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteEveryone has a unique story. I’m inspired and by everyone because we are all intrinsically connected . I especially am inspired by how people overcome adversity. It’s amazing how the universe works. We can’t have only good times or good feelings feelings. We can’t have happinesses without having any suffering. I admire Pema Chodron for ( today’s thought of the quote) because she inspired me to go to the places that scare me. She is a gifted teacher who inspires me to have compassi... Everyone has a unique story. I’m inspired and by everyone because we are all intrinsically connected . I especially am inspired by how people overcome adversity. It’s amazing how the universe works. We can’t have only good times or good feelings feelings. We can’t have happinesses without having any suffering. I admire Pema Chodron for ( today’s thought of the quote) because she inspired me to go to the places that scare me. She is a gifted teacher who inspires me to have compassion for myself so that I can go out and serve. I’m grateful for her wisdom. Read More2 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinWhenever I read stories or view videos of persons of persons who have overcome monumental challenges related to physical challenges, or social discrimination, and somehow manage to soar to once thought unimaginable accomplishments, these stories always inspire me to quit complaining about this or that, get moving, and treasure all that I have in life. 4 Reply Doreen Nixon7 years agoDoreen NixonStories of recovery from illness or addictions inspire me. 3 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. 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