Daily Question, April 21 When have I felt delight? 25 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Karen7 years agoKarenI feel delight in the times I am able to root down through my senses. Spring brings such an amazing opportunity to practice. When I can feel the soft ground after a soaking rain, feel the warmth of the sun as it starts to peak through the clouds, see a vibrant rainbow arching through the sky, hear the sound of my breath and it rhythmically enters and exits my body, and taste the last of the raindrops as they fall from my face. It is so amazing to have so much information to process in a single m... I feel delight in the times I am able to root down through my senses. Spring brings such an amazing opportunity to practice. When I can feel the soft ground after a soaking rain, feel the warmth of the sun as it starts to peak through the clouds, see a vibrant rainbow arching through the sky, hear the sound of my breath and it rhythmically enters and exits my body, and taste the last of the raindrops as they fall from my face. It is so amazing to have so much information to process in a single moment. Read More1 Reply Possumer7 years agoPossumerMy connection with animals delights me. 2 Reply Trl7 years agoTrlI felt delight when my 3 year old granddaughter said “Look grandpa, a snake”. I explained that the “snake” Had 4 legs and was probably a lizard. I was delighted that she saw it at all. I have been teaching her To love nature. She now sees things many adults never see. 4 Reply Donna Gray7 years agoDonna GrayWhen my 2 boys play and laugh with eachother 3 Reply Deb Waites7 years agoDeb WaitesMy days are filled with gratitude and I deeply enjoy the moments of each day. Delight though occurred about a week ago. We are in Hawaii, the Big Island, for a month and we hiked through a lava field to reach the most wonderful beach! The sand was white and so soft I could go barefoot! (something I have been unable to do for 20 years!) The water was clear and turquoise and I got to bob in the water for well over an hour on this marvelous sand! The whole experience was delightful! 7 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmWe took our daughter to the dentist today, we were all nervous, I was delighted to see how brave she was and then we were all relieved, back at home and laughing because this dentist always asks questions to the patient while he’s got his tools in their mouth. I am grateful we have such a gentle and funny family dentist 4 Reply Karyn7 years agoKarynSitting here at my desk at home, relaxing and writing before heading out to work, I look out upon a sunny blue-sky day. In the silence, I hear the birds singing, gently, cheerfully. The breeze is fresh upon my face. It is a simple pleasure that brings a smile to my face. 4 Reply Rocco Capobianco7 years agoRocco CapobiancoI usually feel delight when I slow down, breath and really look and feel my place in this amazingly wonderful universe. I feel the universal energy entering into my body with every breath. The colors and vibrations of everything around me make me feel alive. The temperature of the air hugs my body and reminds me that all of this splender is fleeting, temporary and impermanent and for that I am grateful and feel the delight of life. 4 Reply Ben7 years agoBenI felt delight yesterday walking around the woods in Greenfield noticing the patterns and colors in tree bark, feeling the warps of wood as they curve and swoosh and pitter patter in textures like the rhythm of rain. I love taking time out these days to really pause, to lay on the actual earth and let go of clock time and to do lists and cars and computers, and let my body rediscover the time of sunlight and clouds and wind, and let my heart open to the unique forest beings around me with their... I felt delight yesterday walking around the woods in Greenfield noticing the patterns and colors in tree bark, feeling the warps of wood as they curve and swoosh and pitter patter in textures like the rhythm of rain. I love taking time out these days to really pause, to lay on the actual earth and let go of clock time and to do lists and cars and computers, and let my body rediscover the time of sunlight and clouds and wind, and let my heart open to the unique forest beings around me with their deep and rich lives, and let myself take my own place in that web of being… Read More8 Reply Mary7 years agoMarySo, so beautiful, Ben. I have my issues with time. There never seems to be enough. I love the idea of letting go of clock time and reconnecting with the earth, being part of nature. I would like to spend more time in that space. Thanks so much for sharing this! Mary 0 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelin “aging” but not aging. in gaining wisdom and learning from mistakes yet also gaining energy. I’ve been an educator for 30 years and I’m more fired up now than I was when I started. I really feel I can properly help students, parents, and teachers for another 20 years and beyond! I also gain delight from the lives my children, wife, and my family/friends are forging. 8 Reply Harry7 years agoHarryThis morning sitting in our backyard. It’s Spring, with a chill at 55 degrees F. The wind moves all the trees and plants slightly, just enough to make motion in everywhere I look. 6 Reply Fei-Fei7 years agoFei-FeiI felt delight when I had dinner last night with the speaker, sharing our stories. I am grateful for being a student at the U of T and being in Canada. The resources here get me empowered and give me the skills to live the life in an ideal way. Thank you fate for bringing me here. I am truly grateful for this. 5 Reply Ben7 years agoBenI love Toronto so much! Best city I’ve ever been in, so diverse and creative and welcoming. Glad you found your way there! 0 Reply Gina7 years agoGinaso happy for you Fei-Fei and very proud of Canada, that brings me delight! I remember as a university student, meeting Germaine Greer at a speaking event . The world id full of interesting people! 1 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenI met my friend for dinner yesterday and she is now reunited with her daughter and son. They had been estranged for some years. It was a delight to hear this news. I felt delight when my son landed an internship that he wanted. I felt delight when I looked outside this morning and saw that my tulips are still growing strong and will bloom soon. I delight in the anticipation of blooms. I felt delight when my colleague complimented my work yesterday.... when my students toned it down quickly in re... I met my friend for dinner yesterday and she is now reunited with her daughter and son. They had been estranged for some years. It was a delight to hear this news. I felt delight when my son landed an internship that he wanted. I felt delight when I looked outside this morning and saw that my tulips are still growing strong and will bloom soon. I delight in the anticipation of blooms. I felt delight when my colleague complimented my work yesterday…. when my students toned it down quickly in response to my request… when I remembered to breathe and focus on my breath when I got too much into thinking and analyzing and planning….when I tuned into a gratefulness video that put my anxiety at rest for a while. Read More4 Reply Anita7 years agoAnitaIn the eyes and smiling face of any child. ???????????????????????????? 5 Reply Mary7 years agoMarySo true! Mary 0 Reply Nina7 years agoNinaWhen walking down the street a total stranger gives me a sweet smile. 7 Reply Mary7 years agoMaryThere is something so wonderful about that. To have such a warm open moment of connection with some one you have never met. To have some one dare to be vulnerable and send genuine kindness your way. 0 Reply Anita7 years agoAnitaYes???? 1 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelAlways when looking into the faces of my wife, son, daughters, son-in-law and granddaughters. 6 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaI guess the delight of children is a good place to start as far as answering this one. I do often feel their simple delight just in being alive. As Brother David says, “…that there is anything at all!” 4 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinWhen have I felt delight? When it comes to children, from those I knew from running a Quaker children’s retreat program, or the children I worked with as clients professionally, I took delight in watching them grow. Today, with six grandchildren all living nearby, I get to watch them grow too. Nothing delights me more than seeing children grow over time into the world around them, as their bodies change and their minds develop, it is simply beautiful to behold. – Kevin 6 Reply Sieger des Friedens7 years agoSieger des FriedensThere is need to remember properly, otherwise the power of the delight I cannot capture and utilize, although it is accessible, always. From the remembrance it is the moment, when intent falls together with effect/manifestation and expresses itself. It is the moment of discovery that there is the light within me and expresses itself although I am not aware or when I lost track (inner deep connectedness with the universe). It is the momentum of insights, to "realize" and "understand" the outer wo... There is need to remember properly, otherwise the power of the delight I cannot capture and utilize, although it is accessible, always. From the remembrance it is the moment, when intent falls together with effect/manifestation and expresses itself. It is the moment of discovery that there is the light within me and expresses itself although I am not aware or when I lost track (inner deep connectedness with the universe). It is the momentum of insights, to “realize” and “understand” the outer world with the 4 ways of knowing – at least: intellect/mind, intuition, feelings and sensing. Read More3 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb