Daily Question, January 3 Who is a role model for contentment in my life? Why? 27 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Barbara Morris7 years agoBarbara MorrisMy son. He is 25, didn’t buy into the notion that you have to go to college, works two jobs he really enjoys, has no debt and saves so much money, is self-sufficient, and goes to the gym everyday because he absolutely loves working out. He is a minimalist, thinks for himself, and is the kindest person I know. 0 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmMy great-aunt Maria, love, tenderness, humour and contentment personified. I miss her dearly 0 Reply warmerboy7 years agowarmerboy我想是我的母亲。她的心理十分的强大,朋友众多,生活的快乐而积极,在困难和困苦面前毫不气馁,我爱我的母亲,我敬佩我的母亲,她是我生命中的楷模。 0 Reply Hot Sauce7 years agoHot SauceYeshua and His Disciples are all role models for contentment. They left all that they had to pursue a spiritual path and to do justice and kindness in the world. The environmental and ethical implications of their voluntary poverty are vast. 0 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardMy parents and all the people who lived in the village of Waituhi. Because they lived a life of contentment in a timber camp with its substandard housing and lack of all the conveniences we take for granted today. All of us children had the best childhood ever and any of us still around still speak of it in those terms and say ,’How lucky we were to have such a childhood.’ 1 Reply Sylvie7 years agoSylvieVery touching, dear Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing. 0 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardThanks Sylvie. I find myself these days going back there in memory and living by the principles I learned then. That is a great challenge. 0 Reply Doreen Nixon7 years agoDoreen NixonCurrently, it is my beloved Bugaboo. He moves through each day with grace and is content with life as it comes. He eats, sleeps, plays…it is truly something just Be. I love him. 0 Reply Equanimity19707 years agoEquanimity1970My little tripod, Leo, is the most content creature I know. He loves to be fed, pet, and in the company of his humans and dog and cat brothers. He is joyful at strange unexpected moments. He loves to find vegetable scraps and delights in radishes, tomatoes, and even onions. Food that other dogs turn their noses up at. I often find him basking in the sun in a small spot on our tiny deck, or curiously sniffing our mean cat as he walks by as if he has never caught his scent before. . 0 Reply Becca7 years agoBeccaI spent some time with a 5 year old girl today. She was having so much fun just playing with putting stickers on my face, and laughing so hard. I feel that contentment isn’t a dull feeling, but a feeling of overflowing joy. I think that this little girl exhibited this, and it made me feel content just being with her. 1 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenI have a friend who is content with what she has and who she is and it is a pleasure to be around her. Her general go to attitude is to see what is working and I think by focusing on the positive she has attracted that to her life. 0 Reply Ivonne7 years agoIvonneMy abuelita (grandmother) Margarita who spend most of her life taking care of her 14 children, and if that we’rent enough, her immediate community offering every neighbor who stopped by to talk, a place to come in and be fed with her delicious food. Giving was not a thought process, an intention, it was her nature. 2 Reply Njideka7 years agoNjidekaMy father reminds me often that life is not about checking boxes. He reminds me to be okay with where life has you at the present- to savor it and learn from it what you need to, so that when you move to the next stage you are stronger and better than you were. Life isn’t a series of achievements. It’s moments that blend together and change you, hopefully for the better. Change is the only constant and if you can learn to flow with this then you will find contentment in each of life’s ...M... My father reminds me often that life is not about checking boxes. He reminds me to be okay with where life has you at the present- to savor it and learn from it what you need to, so that when you move to the next stage you are stronger and better than you were. Life isn’t a series of achievements. It’s moments that blend together and change you, hopefully for the better. Change is the only constant and if you can learn to flow with this then you will find contentment in each of life’s …My father reminds me often that life is not about checking boxes and to be okay with where life has you at the present. to savor it and learn from it what you need to, so that when you move to the next stage you are stronger and better than you were. Life isn’t a series of achievements. It’s moments that blend together and change you, hopefully for the better. Change is the only constant and if you can learn to flow with this then you will find contentment in each of life’s moments. Read More2 Reply Gary Hockett7 years agoGary HockettJesus and the bible is my role model for contentment because I only have to pray and read the bible to feel more peaceful. I am going to join a church, I haven’t come from a church going background. Angels and thinking about them gives me tremendous peace too. I don’t care if they don’t exist 1 Reply KC7 years agoKCMy beloved Aunt who passed away three years ago, and my father, brother to my aunt. They accept, face and embrace whatever life offers and make the very best of it, without complaint. They put family first, and create whatever excuses they can to gather together. As these opportunities become less frequent and more precious with age, they embrace and celebrate whatever each day offers. My Aunt passed away quietly and peacefully as we held a large family gathering to honour her almost 1... My beloved Aunt who passed away three years ago, and my father, brother to my aunt. They accept, face and embrace whatever life offers and make the very best of it, without complaint. They put family first, and create whatever excuses they can to gather together. As these opportunities become less frequent and more precious with age, they embrace and celebrate whatever each day offers. My Aunt passed away quietly and peacefully as we held a large family gathering to honour her almost 100 years. The circle remains. Read More2 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelJesus. he lived simply, spoke w clarity, spread love and power (i.e. power in self love, helping others, placing people ahead of profits/prestige), and spoke truth to power. The more I study the prophet Muhammad, I am certain I will find the same. 1 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaThinking about this daily question, I remember the people close to me that in a different moments, showed me contentment. Thinking about who is a role model for contentment, I consider Brother David like my model. His face, his words, his all life is a example of contentment. 3 Reply Trevor7 years agoTrevorAjahn Brahm as he always has a genuine smile on his face for other people who need it. 2 Reply Swami Padmanabha7 years agoSwami PadmanabhaMy spiritual preceptors around the globe, time and history. In them I find honest struggle for inner perfection and transparent words that are in line with their conduct. Even when they make “mistakes”, they humbly repent on them showing the world how to actually never make a mistake (by always accepting them and growing from its teachings). All this (and more) gives me daily hope to maintain my own ideals in place, updated. 4 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI am blessed with more than one role model for contentment, each in their own way. Each one is an honest soul, so perhaps their deepest lesson is that contentment and peace are attained only through practice. Thus even their struggles are submitted again to the practices they have used all these years, a wonderful reminder than life and the attainment of such virtues as contentment and peace are part of a pathway, a journey, rather than being a now-I'm-done destination. This helps me be more... I am blessed with more than one role model for contentment, each in their own way. Each one is an honest soul, so perhaps their deepest lesson is that contentment and peace are attained only through practice. Thus even their struggles are submitted again to the practices they have used all these years, a wonderful reminder than life and the attainment of such virtues as contentment and peace are part of a pathway, a journey, rather than being a now-I’m-done destination. This helps me be more forgiving of struggles, more patient with the process, and thus more content along the way. Though I am nowhere near their level yet, knowing I am on the right path with such role models to follow is a comfort. Read More5 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelH.H. The Dalai Lama on a global scale. My late father, on a first-person level; rarely did I see him angry. His eyes spoke love. 3 Reply Ose7 years agoOseMy chosen mother is such a role model. She will come out of hospital today, after she fell and broke some bones. Aged 86, she still is not able to walk again, and may be she might need to stay in a care home from now on. In all this process of healing, she is so patient and carries good mood. One of her sons quit contact with her, which is deeply painful for her, but still, she does not complain. She looks with loving eyes at him inside, and finds balance in her soul to deal with it, not excludi... My chosen mother is such a role model. She will come out of hospital today, after she fell and broke some bones. Aged 86, she still is not able to walk again, and may be she might need to stay in a care home from now on. In all this process of healing, she is so patient and carries good mood. One of her sons quit contact with her, which is deeply painful for her, but still, she does not complain. She looks with loving eyes at him inside, and finds balance in her soul to deal with it, not excluding him, although he did hurt her deeply. She allows him to be as he is, no matter what, and does not interfere. There are , of course, as well things unsolved, where she feels not calm and patient at all inside, but compared to her general inner condition, the state of contentment in her is prominent. Since her retirement, after a fulfilled life in service of others all her life, where she could live according to her inner call and capacity for psychological analysis, combined with a profound knowledge of literature and arts, she has turned her view to the inside. Reading all her beloved books again, especially the ones on the – now and again favorite – theme of light in all its forms, she becomes inwardly silent and creates an atmosphere of stillness and contentment in and around. Read More6 Reply Aine7 years agoAineYour dear one sounds very like a similar Chosen family member of mine. Watching her walk through two bouts of cancer with grace, love, and good humor was a life lesson for me. And to this day she still always guides quietly in the direction of grace, forgiveness, love, and contentment despite her advancing years, loss of hearing and mobility, and such. We are so blessed to have such wonderful role models! 1 Reply 1 2 Next » My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb