Daily Question, June 15 Am I cherishing life’s journey? How? 36 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Alexa7 years agoAlexaAm I cherishing life’s journey? Life’s journey is the ride. There is no such thing as a destination- it is a constant moving means to an end. It is all about the process- presently and happily improving on something that leads up to a certain goal. This process is where growth, learning, enlightenment, enrichment, and development all take place. Cherishing this process is an awareness and acknowledgement of each moment. In this point of my life, I feel that I have been instead of cheris... Am I cherishing life’s journey? Life’s journey is the ride. There is no such thing as a destination- it is a constant moving means to an end. It is all about the process- presently and happily improving on something that leads up to a certain goal. This process is where growth, learning, enlightenment, enrichment, and development all take place. Cherishing this process is an awareness and acknowledgement of each moment. In this point of my life, I feel that I have been instead of cherishing the process, rushing to find happiness or security rather than being open to it in the process. I have been focusing on a destination giving me happiness while I should be finding it in the present moments of setting goals and making progress towards each of them through hard work. I need to see more of the things I have and recognize the good before harping on the bad and trying t0 fix it. One thing I do know is that I am embracing my feelings, and learning more about myself through different experiences I throw myself into! I want to be more open towards my process of not liking my present college. I have applied to transfer; however, it is unknown if I will make it. I am scared to not make it and have to go to the other college. I do not like the strong negatives feelings I have developed towards my present college, and I want to change that because it is causing me to want to rush to a different destination to get away from feeling that way. Hopefully, I can find happiness within that concept in case I do not get into the transfer school. Read More0 Reply Anonymous7 years agoAnonymouspraying for each other does help. I got so many encouraging reply. I shall pray for you and all. lovingly Gargi 0 Reply Mary7 years agoMaryAlexa, you are very young and have so much insight into life and a great desire to cherish the process. It feels to me like you are very hard on yourself. Do you have anyone to talk to about your feelings. A friend or maybe a counsellor at college. College can be a difficult time. Try to be gentle with yourself. I am a person who tends to be hard on myself and I have found help at the website Selfcompassion.org. Life should feel better when you treat yourself with more compassion. Wishing ... Alexa, you are very young and have so much insight into life and a great desire to cherish the process. It feels to me like you are very hard on yourself. Do you have anyone to talk to about your feelings. A friend or maybe a counsellor at college. College can be a difficult time. Try to be gentle with yourself. I am a person who tends to be hard on myself and I have found help at the website Selfcompassion.org. Life should feel better when you treat yourself with more compassion. Wishing you ease and contentment, Mary Read More0 Reply KC7 years agoKCI am not doing great right now at cherishing life’s journey. Will hold the question of how to do so in prayer. Perhaps slowing down and savouring the moments and small blessings more is a good start. 1 Reply Mary7 years agoMaryWishing you much peace, ease, and contentment. Sending you love, Mary 0 Reply KC7 years agoKCThanks so much Mary. Much love to you as well???????? KC 0 Reply Catherine7 years agoCatherineMy daughter came home from a 5 day trip yesterday. I'm not one of those parents who is anxious every minute their child is out of their sight. But I found myself smiling all day because I knew I could hug her when I got home. I learned 2 days ago that I did not get the promotion for which I had applied. The emotion I felt most strongly in that moment was relief. As I've pondered that, I believe it came from the fact that I love my current job so much. I love what I do. I love where I ... My daughter came home from a 5 day trip yesterday. I’m not one of those parents who is anxious every minute their child is out of their sight. But I found myself smiling all day because I knew I could hug her when I got home. I learned 2 days ago that I did not get the promotion for which I had applied. The emotion I felt most strongly in that moment was relief. As I’ve pondered that, I believe it came from the fact that I love my current job so much. I love what I do. I love where I do it. I love the people with whom I do it. I love my job. So few people I know can say that. So, yes, yes today I am, in fact, cherishing life’s journey. Read More1 Reply Anonymous7 years agoAnonymousMy heart and mind was completely closed today. I did my meditation read so many passages went out with my husband and daughter. yet how am I cherishing life? writing this I realise in the persuit of happiness or Gratefulness I have forgotten to be happy. as I write this I realise I am still trying too hard. something is so tightly locked and I do not know what? 2 Reply Mary7 years agoMaryI would like to ask all kinds of questions, hoping to help, but that might be inappropriate . Please let me know if you think that might be helpful. I seem to struggle a lot myself. I want to be happy or to just feel content. I am moving toward feeling content and to me that is a good thing. If you would like to talk more about your issue I would love to talk to you more about it so let me know. I send wishes of comfort and ease out to you. Mary 0 Reply Anonymous7 years agoAnonymousmy email add is [email protected] if you find that a easier way to get in touch with me. Gargi 0 Reply Anonymous7 years agoAnonymousThank you so much Mary. I am open to help and I find this a santuary this site. you can ask me anything. 0 Reply Mary7 years agoMaryGargie, Have you been on the section of this site called the Gratitude Lounge. If not, look across the top of the home page or the top of most pages and you will see starting from the top left - explore practice Connect , and thenGratefulness with the Lotus symbol above it. Click on Connect. That will either bring you to the Gratitude Lounge or give you some options, one of which is the gratitude lounge. The reason I am suggesting the gratitude lounge is that you can share about anyt... Gargie, Have you been on the section of this site called the Gratitude Lounge. If not, look across the top of the home page or the top of most pages and you will see starting from the top left – explore practice Connect , and thenGratefulness with the Lotus symbol above it. Click on Connect. That will either bring you to the Gratitude Lounge or give you some options, one of which is the gratitude lounge. The reason I am suggesting the gratitude lounge is that you can share about anything. You are not limited to the question of the day. There is much less activity in that section but there are a smaller number of people who share in this section who are all so warm and caring. I will post a sharing to you to make it more comfortable for you. I would like to also say that when I wrote that I didn’t want to ask too many questions, thinking that it might be inappropriate, I meant I didn’t want to be invasive. I get very interested and concerned sometimes people don’t really want that much feedback. So we’ll talk more in the gratitude lounge. Mary???? Read More0 Reply Anonymous7 years agoAnonymousNo I will like to be associated with gratitude lounge. Mary I truly believe help is between to people the helper and the one helped but in reality it is from that source of The ONE….I am open for I do not shy away from help and I do have a choice to withhold what I am not ready with but that does not really help. thank you and thank you. I will join you all at gratitude lounge 0 Reply Deb7 years agoDebI think some days are like that, maybe they even serve a good purpose. I find them disconcerting. Fortunately, those times are like the Bible passage “…and it came to pass..”. Shalom. Deb 0 Reply Anonymous7 years agoAnonymousthank you I am trying to see God’s hand in these moments…….read this which I will comtemplate on this… Once we can accept that God is in all situations, and that God can and will use even bad situations for good, then everything and everywhere becomes an occasion for good and an encounter with God. 0 Reply KC7 years agoKCThanks for your honest response to this question. Wishing you a softening and opening to gentle energy and a relaxed ease … Warmly, KC 1 Reply Anonymous7 years agoAnonymousthank you in total submission. seeking earnestly for god to turn my self will to his will. warmly Gargi 0 Reply Deb7 years agoDebYes, I am. How? By showing up in each moment. 0 Reply Therese7 years agoThereseThe last 5 years I had a very hard time. But looking back I can see, I have much more won than lost. I appreciate this period in my life very much now. I've found an approach to spirituality. I've learned that I can surrender the worst to a higher intelligence and it turns out well in a way I've never expected - when I just let it work and don't try to interfere. Yes, I'm cherishing life's journey because I've experienced it's power and ability to help in situations I couldn't find a way out fo... The last 5 years I had a very hard time. But looking back I can see, I have much more won than lost. I appreciate this period in my life very much now. I’ve found an approach to spirituality. I’ve learned that I can surrender the worst to a higher intelligence and it turns out well in a way I’ve never expected – when I just let it work and don’t try to interfere. Yes, I’m cherishing life’s journey because I’ve experienced it’s power and ability to help in situations I couldn’t find a way out for myself. Read More4 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteI am taking a course right now and I wanted to share this poem which I feel cherishes life's journey. The clearing I am clearing a space here, where the trees stand back. I am making a circle so open the moon will fall in love and stroke these grasses with her silver. I am setting stones in the four directions, stones that have called my name from mountaintops and riverbeds, canyons and mesas. Here I will stand with my hands empty, mind gaping under the moon. I know there is... I am taking a course right now and I wanted to share this poem which I feel cherishes life’s journey. The clearing I am clearing a space here, where the trees stand back. I am making a circle so open the moon will fall in love and stroke these grasses with her silver. I am setting stones in the four directions, stones that have called my name from mountaintops and riverbeds, canyons and mesas. Here I will stand with my hands empty, mind gaping under the moon. I know there is another way to live. When I find it, the angels will cry out in rapture, each cell of my body will be a rose, a star. If something seized my life tonight, if a sudden wind swept through me, changing everything, I would not resist. I am ready for whatever comes. But I think it will be something small, an animal padding out from the shadows, or a word spoken so softly I hear it inside. It is dark out here, and cold. The moon is stone. I am alone with my longing. Nothing is happening but the next breath. Read More4 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmLove this, thanks for sharing Antoinette 0 Reply Malag7 years agoMalagI really like that, Antoinette. Who wrote it? 0 Reply Francine Marie Tolf7 years agoFrancine Marie TolfYes, I can honestly say that I am indeed cherishing the journey, more so than when I was young! I think I am more grateful for the little things which really are not little at all: flowers, breeze, smell of cut grass, my cat's eyes in sun. Laughter, good books, good bread, red wine! I hope I am not tempting fate, but I kind of feel that now is "harvest time" for me. I had more than my fair share (I think) of misery-inducing jobs and family woe. All of that is over. My life is much more pea... Yes, I can honestly say that I am indeed cherishing the journey, more so than when I was young! I think I am more grateful for the little things which really are not little at all: flowers, breeze, smell of cut grass, my cat’s eyes in sun. Laughter, good books, good bread, red wine! I hope I am not tempting fate, but I kind of feel that now is “harvest time” for me. I had more than my fair share (I think) of misery-inducing jobs and family woe. All of that is over. My life is much more peaceful and bright. I wish I had sold more books, I wish my work were better known, but that is largely out of my control. I have my health and people who love me for who I am. I am rich. Read More2 Reply Ginni7 years agoGinniNo, I am not. I am caught up in regret about the past. I know this is mostly due to my mother, and last parent recently dying. I know this is a process that is normal, and I am trying to respect it. It's a hard journey for me right now. I would like to be and feel more grateful about all that I do have, now. I have three beautiful grandsons who I live very close to. They are the light in my life! I am so blessed! But when I am alone and thinking about my own life and where I am now I bec... No, I am not. I am caught up in regret about the past. I know this is mostly due to my mother, and last parent recently dying. I know this is a process that is normal, and I am trying to respect it. It’s a hard journey for me right now. I would like to be and feel more grateful about all that I do have, now. I have three beautiful grandsons who I live very close to. They are the light in my life! I am so blessed! But when I am alone and thinking about my own life and where I am now I become so frustrated and sad. I would like to be more at peace with the way things have worked out, and appreciate all that I do have. Read More1 Reply Deb7 years agoDebGinni, I know how you feel. I used to feel the same way. I read a quote that I found helpful, perhaps you will, too. About the past, let go or be dragged. I wish you the best of success and peace as you navigate your days. Deb 0 Reply Ginni7 years agoGinniThanks for your encouraging words! Great quote. It is a process… Ginni 0 Reply Francine Marie Tolf7 years agoFrancine Marie TolfGina, the very knowledge that you want to break free of this cycle of disappointment and regret is a healthy and brave sign! Gloria Steinem wrote that “probably, hanging on to the past brings more destruction than any other single cause.” Sending you light and positive thoughts, my dear. 2 Reply Ginni7 years agoGinniThank you for your encouraging words! The quote by Gloria Steinem is perfect! Take care, Ginni 0 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenI am trying to: One way i cherish this journey is the company I keep. I treasure opportunities to get together with like minded people in a sangha and here on this site to glean and learn from others. 2 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaI believe I am cherishing life’s journey by choosing a spiritual path. Life finally means so much to me that I am willing, one day–sometimes one minute–at a time to follow this challenging path. Believe it is the best use of my “resources.” 3 Reply Gina7 years agoGinasinging….singing for a community fund raiser for places for people being in community and having all voices together being- one voice 4 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelI am. I was reflecting this morning on the so many that have reached out to me in the course of my life. I have gladly worked each day to reciprocate to the world. I am truly grateful for all of the moments because they have all brought me here. amazing 3 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinYou bet! And for starters, the article about Father’s Day that Gratefulness.org asked me to submit, entitled “I Am Rich, Very Rich, In Daughters,” speaks directly to today’s Daily Question. (The piece is posted today in the blog section.) Moving onward into a new day, I am grateful just to wake up today, to breathe, to have my little plan for things to do today. Right now I get to sit here and hold in prayer a few dear friends who are struggling with health issues, who for sure are no... You bet! And for starters, the article about Father’s Day that Gratefulness.org asked me to submit, entitled “I Am Rich, Very Rich, In Daughters,” speaks directly to today’s Daily Question. (The piece is posted today in the blog section.) Moving onward into a new day, I am grateful just to wake up today, to breathe, to have my little plan for things to do today. Right now I get to sit here and hold in prayer a few dear friends who are struggling with health issues, who for sure are not cherishing this leg of their life journey, which is where I and we come in, to “pray them through,” The very idea that we can hold others, in prayer and in thought is ‘how’ I cherish the journey given me today. – Kevin Read More3 Reply Francine Marie Tolf7 years agoFrancine Marie TolfWhat a beautiful article, Kevin! Just wonderful to read. Thank you. 0 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinThanks Francine 0 Reply Ose7 years agoOseThrough the curtain of sparkling pearls which flush the ground to inspire new growth, gratefully embracing, I sense the world inside and out, all loving, eternally being held, holding you and me and all in grace, delight, peace and beauty. 4 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. 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