Daily Question, December 8 How can I live more simply? 42 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Greattobegrateful7 years agoGreattobegratefulI could live more simply by understanding my true goals in life. What is it that brings me the most joy? I feel if I could recognize this then perhaps I could have more focus to my life. Often I feel unmotivated and cluttered and I am trying to find this peace. 0 Reply Patito7 years agoPatitoNo queriendo hacer todo, diciendo no, no siendo impulsiva, dando tiempo para antes, durante y después no andar a las carreras 1 Reply Susan7 years agoSusanAll three of my sisters are visiting me, all at the same time, in January. There is a lot to do to prepare for their week long visit in my small house. During this season, I am keeping Christmas decorations to a minimum as I simplify my life. I don't have the time nor energy to decorate, take down and then, prepare for my family's visit. Christmas for me isn't about decorating my house, baking lots of cookies and shopping anyways. It's about the spirit of giving and caring with family, friends ... All three of my sisters are visiting me, all at the same time, in January. There is a lot to do to prepare for their week long visit in my small house. During this season, I am keeping Christmas decorations to a minimum as I simplify my life. I don’t have the time nor energy to decorate, take down and then, prepare for my family’s visit. Christmas for me isn’t about decorating my house, baking lots of cookies and shopping anyways. It’s about the spirit of giving and caring with family, friends and those in need. To simplify, I am focusing on the meaning not the materialism of Christmas and throughout the year. Read More1 Reply Always Learning7 years agoAlways Learningrelease release release … and then release some more. Repeat. 🙂 3 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardI do not think I can plan to live more simply. If I live life with thankfulness each moment, joy and simplicity will be there too. Nothing could be more easily understood than breathing in saying ‘yes’ and breathing out saying ‘thanks’. I do not say it is easy to do, but it is easy to understand. If this task is persevered with, joy and simplicity will grow and develop like flowers in a well watered garden. And many other gifts will develop too. 3 Reply Joanne7 years agoJoanneSuch a lovely way to live simply….yes and thanks…. Thank you 0 Reply Mélodie7 years agoMélodieBy just being in the moment instead of looking for what I could do in this very moment. More being, looking, breathing. Less activities. Doing nothing can be okay and perfect. Life is always getting through me anyway. 2 Reply Anita7 years agoAnitaClear away all that you don’t need. Make time for listening and walking in nature or wherever you find yourself. Breathe. Name one thing you are grateful for. Today mine is an unexpected beautiful snowfall. Say thank you. ❄️♥️ 2 Reply Deb S. N.C.7 years agoDeb S. N.C.I would like to say, "ditto" to Kevin's answer- also to another comment that resonates with me, about being able to speak truth in a mindful non-harming way, living thus simply in harmony without confusion, & I would add speaking truth without judgement- for people including myself to listen well, and in the moment, simply, with open ears and minds... perhaps life would truly be more harmonious, with love, connection, all is part of living well, and faith is my core first . The question in ... I would like to say, “ditto” to Kevin’s answer- also to another comment that resonates with me, about being able to speak truth in a mindful non-harming way, living thus simply in harmony without confusion, & I would add speaking truth without judgement- for people including myself to listen well, and in the moment, simply, with open ears and minds… perhaps life would truly be more harmonious, with love, connection, all is part of living well, and faith is my core first . The question in itself defining how living in a simple life for me ,brings thoughts and words, a need to say and share them, to connect with others and to learn more from them. It is a theme that truly is how I could simplify my life. To live in peace within, with self-love and love of others, to simply ask God each day to “take me”, and be a guide throughout each day , to hold gratitude and to keep it always as well as share it with others- to keep it full yet simple. This would better-define life, throw in daily time- for-self to achieve my best work toward this intentional life. Journaling my gratitude daily, writing for perhaps a set creative time as its like work, meditating, and daily yoga practice, is key to my inner happiness, peace, and love for self and others. It may seem complicated yet really “simplicity” may always elude us if we base it on not the inner self-work but rather the clutter, and how many things we “need” to do, the divided attention that stress, of piles of work before us yet to do, or our long list of Holiday Read More2 Reply music ed7 years agomusic edI try to sense where fullness is waiting for me. This helps me reduce complications and not go toward what I don’t need. The bird feeder is very active this time of year. My wife and I watch together, loving the birds, the little patch of forest, and each other. What could be more full than that!? 4 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617Yesterday, some friends told me they couldn't understand how I have time to do everything that I do. Accepting their premise that I do or have done "a lot", I think that being present plays a major role. I have always been agnostic about digital media, and I still am. After all, this site has brought me great comfort recently, comfort that I struggled to find elsewhere. But I find that so much social media and digital content has what my friend calls the movie popcorn effect. You keep eating ... Yesterday, some friends told me they couldn’t understand how I have time to do everything that I do. Accepting their premise that I do or have done “a lot”, I think that being present plays a major role. I have always been agnostic about digital media, and I still am. After all, this site has brought me great comfort recently, comfort that I struggled to find elsewhere. But I find that so much social media and digital content has what my friend calls the movie popcorn effect. You keep eating it even though you don’t particularly like it, then you feel sick after. Limiting my time and exposure to digital media–simplifying my input-and being engaged and present makes a world of difference. I have made other efforts to simplify that have helped me be more engaged. I scrapped my car and use a bike or public transportation to get around (I do use my partner’s car some weekends). I started making more of my own food, not just meals but things like peanut butter and vegetable broth. I have an herb garden so that I don’t have to keep buying herbs that wilt immediately. All have opened me to living more richly. Both my partner and my mother have a real fixation on “should”. I have said it’s my mother’s favorite word, and I see her become so distraught and frustrated over it. It’s also such a meaningless word and so full of guilt. It refers to something that hasn’t happened yet but ought to for a desirable outcome. Who has determined what outcome is desirable, though, and how can we be sure that that will be the result of our actions? I think that eliminating “should” is scary because it means acknowledging ignorance and accepting culpability. But it also opens up a world of freedom. Read More7 Reply Susan7 years agoSusanThank you for sharing, Erich617, this has helped me to reflect more deeply on this daily question. I am learning that it isn’t so much about ‘doing’ it is about ‘being’ – yes, it is helpful to lend a helpful hand but also, important to be a caring person. But that is not up to someone else’s ‘standard’ nor what they think you ‘should’ do. It is not about going on a guilt trip which results in frustration and disharmony but finding your own spiritual path of peace and di... Thank you for sharing, Erich617, this has helped me to reflect more deeply on this daily question. I am learning that it isn’t so much about ‘doing’ it is about ‘being’ – yes, it is helpful to lend a helpful hand but also, important to be a caring person. But that is not up to someone else’s ‘standard’ nor what they think you ‘should’ do. It is not about going on a guilt trip which results in frustration and disharmony but finding your own spiritual path of peace and divine presence. Read More1 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617I heard an interview recently with Brian McLaren who talked about the question, “What is my part to do now?” Personally, I have been struggling with that recently, resolving my own goals and values while balancing the needs of those close to me. Still, I think that you will always feel inadequate if you focus on what you are not or what you do not do or do not have. 0 Reply Hot Sauce7 years agoHot SauceJust now, I joined a virtual commune that shares various resources, as much as anyone who has need, with others without buying anything. This allows me to receive what I need without having to give money to large corporations. I am excited to be a part of this and hope it kindles my imagination to see what is possible with generosity and community. 3 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617Where did you find this commune? 0 Reply Hot Sauce7 years agoHot SauceThis is the Buy Nothing Project. You can join by going to their website (just Google it). Then, click find a group. After that, select your country and state. Click the appropriate region for your area, and fill out the information it asks for. Eventually, you should get a message on Facebook saying that you have been approved to join (still waiting to be approved myself, but I am excited about this). 2 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617Thank you! 0 Reply John Turner7 years agoJohn TurnerOne thing I try to do is to not get caught up in other folks’ drama. I try to be honest, straightforward, and live with humility, so that I don’t feel the need to engage in any conflict. 5 Reply Doreen Nixon7 years agoDoreen NixonI can live more simply by decluttering and removing many objects from my home. I can meditate more and release emotion through crafts. I can practice mindfulness more. 4 Reply Anita7 years agoAnitaThis is my goal as well. ???? 2 Reply Laura7 years agoLauraI think decluttering and getting rid of possessions that no longer serve me will help me to live more simply in many ways. Also thinking before I buy! 5 Reply Anita7 years agoAnitaAgree completely ♥️ 0 Reply Deb7 years agoDebLife is not simple. Nothing in or about life is simple. As much as I would like to reduce everything, or nearly everything to a state of simplicity, I doubt it can be done. What I can do is not make my life more complicated. I can accept life as it presents me with another moment and live it with as much integrity as I have in that moment. It is a full time job and sounds simple. Is it? 4 Reply elaina7 years agoelainaI agree with you, Deb--it seems life can rarely be reduced to a simple theory or truth. There are far too many factors that come to the dance. But nonetheless finding some control and creating less friction is important to my happiness. I do think, the word you used-- Integrity-- is an important concept in the path towards eliminating noise and/or destructive choices that make life more difficult. I have been reading "the One Thing" and "Essentialism: the disciplined pursuit of less" to enhance... I agree with you, Deb–it seems life can rarely be reduced to a simple theory or truth. There are far too many factors that come to the dance. But nonetheless finding some control and creating less friction is important to my happiness. I do think, the word you used– Integrity– is an important concept in the path towards eliminating noise and/or destructive choices that make life more difficult. I have been reading “the One Thing” and “Essentialism: the disciplined pursuit of less” to enhance my journey toward living in accordance with my most important values while reducing noise and stress. I offer those books to anyone interested in exploring what living simply means. Read More2 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelMindful of, and present to others. 3 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteHow can I live more simply? By living in Harmony with the Divine Will and the Divine Law is a “simple” and as gratefulness-ly as one can possibly live and at the same time the FULIST one can possibly LIVE! 3 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenFor me it is to know on a cellular level if possible! ” I am enough, I have enough, there is enough, share and enjoy life. 5 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617I suspect that that is what so many of us are struggling to know, not in the way that one knows a fact but in the way that one knows something so profoundly simple that it just is. 1 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmIf I said what I really thought, with compassion, then I would live more simply, no more confusion and misunderstandings. 7 Reply Deb S. N.C.7 years agoDeb S. N.C.Palm, thank you for writing what surely many of us also feel. 1 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmThanks Deb, it’s good to know I am not alone feeling this way 0 Reply Francine Marie Tolf7 years agoFrancine Marie TolfWell said, Palm! 1 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmThanks Francine, I think this is something simple but often not easy to do 0 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaI like the idea less is more, so I believe I can live more simply if I think less and feel more. Be present in the present moment and notice the flow of life. Buying only what is necessary. 5 Reply 1 2 Next » My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. 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