Daily Question, February 21 How do I show others that I care? 27 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Greattobegrateful7 years agoGreattobegratefulI show others that I care through responsiveness and paying attention. Making sure to check in on friends and family and congratulate them on any milestones/comfort them during downfalls is important. 1 Reply Irene7 years agoIreneI show others that I care by listening and giving hugs. 2 Reply Gevan Rogers7 years agoGevan RogersI am ever so grateful for all the anger frustration fear and shame I am experiencing with my father and the dementia he is suffering with. The time allowed to me with him is precious beyond words no matter what is happening in the moment. Live not with frustration instead live in total gratitude for the time left to both of you 3 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteHow do I show others that I care? I promoted the wonderful level of consciousness of Pierre Pradervand's article "Blessing as a Form of Service" ( here at Gratitude) by forwarding it to thousands of like minded.people to-day. The key word it it is "serve". Weather that is considered "care" is a distant second to "serve" .as far a I treat the word "care". T his question's "show others I care" is to close to wanting to impress....Serving is simply to offer assistance / provide positive i... How do I show others that I care? I promoted the wonderful level of consciousness of Pierre Pradervand’s article “Blessing as a Form of Service” ( here at Gratitude) by forwarding it to thousands of like minded.people to-day. The key word it it is “serve”. Weather that is considered “care” is a distant second to “serve” .as far a I treat the word “care”. T his question’s “show others I care” is to close to wanting to impress….Serving is simply to offer assistance / provide positive input / etc / BUT with no need to impress. Read More3 Reply Elaine7 years agoElaineToday, by helping a friend clean her suite as she prepares for a big move. 2 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenIt depends on the person and the moment. By being in tune with them. Being concerned about them. Wishing them well opens up opportunities to show that you care. 2 Reply Steve7 years agoSteveIt took me a long time to figure out that when someone is talking to me, be it a colleague at work, one of my students, or my wife, to stop what I am doing, mute the tv, put down the phone and make fundamental eye contact to let them know I am really listening. I am grateful that I have heard them and they feel grateful that I took the time to listen. 3 Reply Javier Visionquest7 years agoJavier VisionquestI reckon I really don’t. . . . 0 Reply Amor fati7 years agoAmor fatiMake and keep eye contact. It’s the shortest route to understanding. 3 Reply Amor fati7 years agoAmor fatiA tactic to use only when culturally acceptable. 2 Reply Elizabeth M Jones7 years agoElizabeth M JonesWith a card, gifts, a smile, a visit, a hug, a letter and most of all prayer. 3 Reply Hot Sauce7 years agoHot SauceI can show others that I care by following my duties each day. When in school, I should be the best and most respectful student I can be. When being with friends, I should be the most kind friend I can be. When with family, I should be a good son and always respect and obey my parents. As an American citizen, I can, while respecting everyone, speak out against the systems of injustice that perpetuate the marginalization of various groups and helping those in need. As a slave of God, I can, in ev... I can show others that I care by following my duties each day. When in school, I should be the best and most respectful student I can be. When being with friends, I should be the most kind friend I can be. When with family, I should be a good son and always respect and obey my parents. As an American citizen, I can, while respecting everyone, speak out against the systems of injustice that perpetuate the marginalization of various groups and helping those in need. As a slave of God, I can, in every way, follow the two great commandments: love God and love neighbor. These are all various ways I can show others that I care. Read More5 Reply KC7 years agoKCFind a true place of love, connection and caring within myself, then reach out in a thoughtful way as best I can. I appreciate Ose and Hez sharing their/ your Metta / Loving Kindness practices as a starting place. May try that as a rooting practice before the action bit… ???????? 3 Reply Molly J Ophoven7 years agoMolly J OphovenI pondered this question for a little bit and the only answer I can come up with is be there when they need it. Ask how they’re doing when I see them or just randomly if I haven’t seen them in awhile. I also could ask them to hang out and plan something really fun. Putting myself first for others will show them that I care. I will let them know that I am here for them and will stay by their side no matter what they’re going through because we can work through hard times as a team. It’s h... I pondered this question for a little bit and the only answer I can come up with is be there when they need it. Ask how they’re doing when I see them or just randomly if I haven’t seen them in awhile. I also could ask them to hang out and plan something really fun. Putting myself first for others will show them that I care. I will let them know that I am here for them and will stay by their side no matter what they’re going through because we can work through hard times as a team. It’s hard to see someone struggling by themselves so I will show them that I care by asking what I can do to help them. Read More4 Reply Hez7 years agoHezWhen I awake each day I send Metta in my daily practice. I then make a nurishing breakfast for myself & family. I try when I think of someone to always call, text or write them and let them know they are in my thoughts, prayers or heart. 3 Reply Francine Marie Tolf7 years agoFrancine Marie TolfThat’s a beautiful routine, Hez. 0 Reply Ose7 years agoOseIn the morning, I care for my plants, saying hello and thank you, give some water and gratefully enjoy their growing well. When I ask others "how are you?" I really want to know how the other feels and am open to care with whatever action is required, if needed resp. when this is welcome. It makes a huge difference when I do what I do with loving kindness, for myself as well as for the other, the plant, the food or the garden, for any field I work on, and approaching everything with loving k... In the morning, I care for my plants, saying hello and thank you, give some water and gratefully enjoy their growing well. When I ask others “how are you?” I really want to know how the other feels and am open to care with whatever action is required, if needed resp. when this is welcome. It makes a huge difference when I do what I do with loving kindness, for myself as well as for the other, the plant, the food or the garden, for any field I work on, and approaching everything with loving kindness is something I try to cultivate. Then caring is warmly nourishing and a blessing vice versa. Read More5 Reply MrsB7 years agoMrsBI try to learn what they think shows that I care. Some people prefer to be told while others might prefer a small gift, quality time, or a soft touch. And simply taking the time to learn this about those I love shows them how much I care. 3 Reply Rebeca7 years agoRebecaMy way to show others that I care is to cook for them. I find the whole cooking process and eating one of the most careful ways to show others you care for them. And ofcourse I try to do my best and if I know someone needs me I try to be there as much as they need me. 6 Reply Deb7 years agoDebRebecca, as the recipient of someone whose creative outlet is cooking, I appreciate that offering of love each day! Eating has become an act of worship. 0 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelThat I not only intently listen n be present…but, that we 2gether strategize n actually take action to move forward. Love! 3 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelYou are right, Kevin. We can only start with our presence and see what developes. 3 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinBy paying attention, and being who I am. 5 Reply 1 2 Next » My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. 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