Daily Question, February 13 What is the place of art in my life? As an appreciator? As a creator? 24 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Ose7 years agoOseNature, creation in all its beauty and wonder I feel is art pure, which to be in is a huge gift, regenerating the body, inspiring the mind and expanding the spirit. In communication with people, I might be creative sometimes, when something new arises in the consciousness due to simultaneity of deeply listening to the other and inner visual thinking, when expanded attention and openness to these aspects fall into one place. When this happens, it is a deeply moving moment full of gratefulness t... Nature, creation in all its beauty and wonder I feel is art pure, which to be in is a huge gift, regenerating the body, inspiring the mind and expanding the spirit. In communication with people, I might be creative sometimes, when something new arises in the consciousness due to simultaneity of deeply listening to the other and inner visual thinking, when expanded attention and openness to these aspects fall into one place. When this happens, it is a deeply moving moment full of gratefulness towards life, in all concerned. Read More1 Reply niels7 years agonielsas a creator – rehearsing on the monday evenings with the band (creator is a big word for this 🙂 ) as an appreciator, I listen to music a lot. Also on the lookout for suitable material for us to play and sing. 2 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardAs an appreciator, but sometimes I launch into creation too – in the garden, writing, even painting – but my paints have dried up. 2 Reply Anita7 years agoAnitaArt happens in the classroom, as part of a moment where the students take hold of a concept and run in a direction you didn’t even dream of. Here I can be the creator but often I can also sit back and appreciate! 1 Reply Hot Sauce7 years agoHot SauceWell, I would definitely say I lean more toward being an appreciator of art. It's not quite my talent, at least not yet. LOL. Most of the time I can barely draw non-ugly stick figures. Nonetheless, there is much to appreciate in art. Art captures beauty in its many forms, both abstract and real. Looking at these works that human consciousness has evolved to create from its appreciation of beauty is a wonder of wonders. At the same time, I am working to create some "art," at least to the best of ... Well, I would definitely say I lean more toward being an appreciator of art. It’s not quite my talent, at least not yet. LOL. Most of the time I can barely draw non-ugly stick figures. Nonetheless, there is much to appreciate in art. Art captures beauty in its many forms, both abstract and real. Looking at these works that human consciousness has evolved to create from its appreciation of beauty is a wonder of wonders. At the same time, I am working to create some “art,” at least to the best of my ability, at my college’s open craft studio. This is certainly providing me with new challenges that will help me grow, and, as long as it’s not for a grade, we’re all good! 🙂 Read More1 Reply Edralis7 years agoEdralisBy perceiving anything in the right way – a sparrow hopping by on the pavement, a crack on the wall, the buzz of the factory, a person in the crowd – , it becomes a work of art, and fills me with a sense of beauty. In this way, I am both the appreciator and the creator of art. 3 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyArt’s place in my life is as an appreciator and creator. Art is everywhere to be appreciated in everything. Nature alone leaves me breathless. But then you have the amazing universe that we are all a part of and every living thing we share it with all of which are incredible works of art. As a creator, I am now just beginning to rediscover my creative side in my retirement. It allows me to totally get lost in what I am creating at the time. 2 Reply Eva Liu7 years agoEva LiuArt is in the beauty of living. It is the wonderful world of perspective as diverse and deranged as every living/non-living thing on this planet and beyond. Do I create art? I create balance in the world around me, does that subtly tip the scale towards art? I don’t know. I don’t know if it matters that much to know. I’m just happy that I have eyes to see, ears to hear, a nose to smell, tastebuds for taste and presence to feel. 4 Reply Elizabeth M Jones7 years agoElizabeth M JonesArt is in the realm of the privileged. When you are an immigrant survival is your daily bread. It is only when you are freed of this daily struggle to survive that you have time and liberty to engage in art but then again art is in the beauty of a blade of grass, a shell, a bird’s nest fallen from a tree. 3 Reply Elaine7 years agoElaineArt is both product and process and both are necessary. My soul needs literature, theatre, visual art and music for sustenance and expansion. Creating a life is the ultimate creative process. Lacking obvious artistic talent, I’ve come to regard small acts of personal expression as creativity – this space for example! 4 Reply Bree7 years agoBreeI wish I had more artistic talent than I do, but I still love that I can appreciate it. I find that art often helps us expand our mind and see things from other perspectives that we might not have seen before. Life in itself is art. Creating life in itself is art. Our whole existence revolves around art in some way. 6 Reply Anita7 years agoAnitaBoth. What I’ve realized lately though, there hasn’t been enough time to be the creator. This fills me with sadness. I feel like I’m squeezing art in on the side. 2 Reply Barbara Morris7 years agoBarbara MorrisDifficult to answer. Art is an integral part of my life- my life would be meaningless without its many forms. I appreciate the artwork of others and enjoy my own unschooled attempts. Yet, to explain why eludes me, I think because art bypasses my conscious thought and speaks directly to my soul. 3 Reply Francine Marie Tolf7 years agoFrancine Marie TolfBoth appreciator and creator, but I’d like to respond more to the first. It wouldn’t be too dramatic to say that art has saved me more than once! Art, for me, is a branch of spirit and springs from the same root as religion. It nourishes and strengthens us. We need it like we need water. 9 Reply Anita7 years agoAnitaWell said. Lately my creative time takes place elsewhere. Not with regularity, ease and breath.♥ 3 Reply Barbara Morris7 years agoBarbara MorrisWell said, Francine! Many days I’ve picked up the guitar to learn a new song that seemed to nourish my soul…the chords, the lyrics, the learning. 4 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhat is the place of art in my life? As an appreciator? As a creator? “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our soul” PICASSO That simple point, both as an applier and an appreciator, says what the art of life is to me. 8 Reply Javier Visionquest7 years agoJavier VisionquestLife is the perfect medium for our craft 2 Reply Doreen Nixon7 years agoDoreen NixonI appreciate art of others in many forms…music, literacture, painting, crafts, fashion, architecture, the natural world, etc. There is much beauty. As a creator I have recently begun to paint and to write. Each moment within itself is a creation. We are the creators of all we see. 2 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelAs an appreciator: It allows me to see and hear without the interference of my own thoughts. 2 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenLife is about art. We create all the time. I create when I knit and cook which I love to do. As an appreciator I am touched deeply by what others create which is everywhere all around us. 3 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimArt as “creator” … the art of creating a life made up of minutes and heartbeats, life lessons and accruing wisdom. As “appreciator” … books, musical theatre, music, good photography, and the multi-variations in all of Creation. 5 Reply 1 2 Next » My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. 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