Daily Question, May 19 What sounds of life nourish me? 22 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteThis is the kind of question I find very relevant for myself and my spending a long weekend observing a spring landscape. Re: What sounds of life nourish me? The four sounds ( vibration ) and their equivalent colours ( again vibrations) are those which correspond to the Four Archangels ( Lords of the Elements ) who together manifest this world ( Plus Shamael of course , the angel of the material earth ) These four “sound vibrations” are “Ma” ( Michaels = Red ) , origanal n... This is the kind of question I find very relevant for myself and my spending a long weekend observing a spring landscape. Re: What sounds of life nourish me? The four sounds ( vibration ) and their equivalent colours ( again vibrations) are those which correspond to the Four Archangels ( Lords of the Elements ) who together manifest this world ( Plus Shamael of course , the angel of the material earth ) These four “sound vibrations” are “Ma” ( Michaels = Red ) , origanal name “Ma-Ha-El” “Ga” ( Gabriel = Blue ) , original name “Kha-Vir-El” “Ra” ( Raphael = Violet ) original name “Ra-Fa-El” “U” ( Uriel = Silver ) original name “U-Ra El” And off I go to hear them, see them and smell their presence, yes even taste their creations along with the other creature-beings doing the same. Read More0 Reply Sieger des Friedens7 years agoSieger des FriedensIf I can hear the sound of the wild dove, as a reminder of who I am listening to the sound of a small creek bubbling while it floats listening to the whispers of leafs of a birchtree the bubble of people in a decent cafe …. becoming aware that life treats me well and is always available with its invitation 1 Reply Mike Cullen7 years agoMike CullenThere are so many but music resonates with me and in me. I love music. Rock,indie,jazz,classical,opera,folk,country….maybe it should be more spiritual like a bird singing or a baby laughing. But it’s not. For me it is music! 1 Reply Anonymous7 years agoAnonymousOm Mani Padme Hum 1 Reply KP7 years agoKPI read this question while I was sitting at my desk, being annoyed at a loud colleague, and wishing for silence. So yes, silence is what feels most comfortable. But at the same time, I wish I was not affected so much by sounds of people going about their business as my colleague was. Other than silence, I like the sound of trains! 2 Reply Christa Gesztesi7 years agoChrista GesztesiThe first sound that came to mind was ocean waves, but then I thought about how much the sound of silence nourishes me. That made me think of when I’m upstate at my parent’s house and I sit outside in nature. In the morning, it’s so quiet and peaceful. Sometimes I hear the birds and that nourishes me, too. I really enjoy the peace of nature. 2 Reply pipkins2t7 years agopipkins2tBird song. I live in an urban environment, but even as I sit here at 9 pm I can hear bird song. The song of nature is the constant in life. Offered freely each day, unique and so beautiful. 3 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelThe poetry of some singers such as James Taylor, Cat Stevens, John Denver and most jazz artists and R&B singers. Or laughter at any age! 4 Reply Jeffrey Applegate7 years agoJeffrey Applegatebirdsong 3 Reply pipkins2t7 years agopipkins2tSnap ! ( Big smile) 1 Reply Carol7 years agoCarolI love the sound of laughter, the energy of sharing is music to my ears. I welcome the birds morning song that begins just before dawn. It is a charm not an alarm clock. Many times at night, I play an instrumental CD designed to calm the mind–calm the mind and the spirit sings. Several times a day, I stop and I breath very deeply. I need to hear my breath so I can remember to be grateful for it. I had a dear friend who lived and worked with only a 30% lung capacity for years. I walk each morn... I love the sound of laughter, the energy of sharing is music to my ears. I welcome the birds morning song that begins just before dawn. It is a charm not an alarm clock. Many times at night, I play an instrumental CD designed to calm the mind–calm the mind and the spirit sings. Several times a day, I stop and I breath very deeply. I need to hear my breath so I can remember to be grateful for it. I had a dear friend who lived and worked with only a 30% lung capacity for years. I walk each morning and I give thanks for the neurological wonder that moves my legs. I’m convinced sound is involved. And there are no words for the sound of silence, the awesome presence of stillness. Read More4 Reply Linda7 years agoLindaSounds of life that nourish me are birds, crickets, frogs, waterfalls, ocean waves, music, my cats’ meows, and quiet. 4 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaHere is a poem I wrote quite some time ago that I just found again as I am visiting my old homeplace and such nourishing sounds surround me. For the music of this morning, I AM GRATEFUL… I Indigo bunting singing from the tiptop of a tulip tree, A Acadian flycatcher calling from the willow, M Mooing cows, G Goldfinches winging and singing their bright yellow tunes, R Rhode Island Red rooster crowing from up the hill, A An apple falling from the old tree we thought would not... Here is a poem I wrote quite some time ago that I just found again as I am visiting my old homeplace and such nourishing sounds surround me. For the music of this morning, I AM GRATEFUL… I Indigo bunting singing from the tiptop of a tulip tree, A Acadian flycatcher calling from the willow, M Mooing cows, G Goldfinches winging and singing their bright yellow tunes, R Rhode Island Red rooster crowing from up the hill, A An apple falling from the old tree we thought would not survive winter, T Thump of a dog’s tail on the porch floorboards, E Echo of track rumble and train whistle from down by the river, F Flowing water playing in the creek bed under the footbridge, U Utter delight in one exquisite, cascading measure of the song of a nesting L Louisiana waterthrush! Read More5 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmThanks for sharing! 1 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteNature and the sounds like the birds which remind me that I Am one. 4 Reply Deb7 years agoDebThe wind, rain, my beloved cooking, silence. 6 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaYes, silence so nourishing. 4 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenBirds yesterday evening lifted my spirits. The ocean is beautiful. The wind is gorgeous. The sounds of laughter among family and friends. 4 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelmusic, laughter, spoken word poetry, the quiet of the morning at 4 am, the voices of my kids/my wife, inspirational speeches/videos. 5 Reply Betsy7 years agoBetsyBirdsong, laughter, waves washing up on the beach, spring peepers, voices lifted in song 5 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmSilence and laughter, needing lots of that 6 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinBirds at sunrise, Seagulls as we row, A grandson’s laugh, Our dog’s howl whenever the phone rings, “Hi Grampa!” My wife’s footsteps, Two granddaughters singing in the car, Rain at night before I sleep. 9 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. 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