Daily Question, July 28 What makes me happy? How do I know it? 42 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Trevor7 years agoTrevorSEEING ALL THESE NEW FACES HERE! I KNOW IT BECAUSE I AM SMILING RIGHT NOW! 1 Reply hazelnut7 years agohazelnutHappiness or joy in life is an emotion that all is going well and can feel satisfied that I’m doing the best I can for others and myself. It is a fleeting feeling that may or may not last long depending on challenges and situations that come. How do I know? Am learning to know and appreciate the happiness when it is there. Noticing and quietly appreciating the joy in others brings me into awareness of how much happiness and contentment there is available to experience. 2 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaSuch a wise answer, thank you. 0 Reply JoeytheHoff7 years agoJoeytheHoffI like to smile. It helps me change my mood. I even like that I have to force it. I like knowing I’m trying. I like to bring a smile to someone I don’t know and let them enjoy it. I feel a connection with them and they almost always give back. Smiling makes me happy. 2 Reply Trevor7 years agoTrevorRight on Joey! 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaI am smiling back at you. 1 Reply Trevor7 years agoTrevorAnd I at you g sea 🙂 1 Reply Hot Sauce7 years agoHot SauceSeeking wisdom and knowledge makes me happy. I know this because of the thrill I feel when I gain new insights into the nature of reality. 2 Reply Trevor7 years agoTrevorIt’s the only thrill worth seeking in the end. 1 Reply Susan7 years agoSusanI am sitting here, holding my 6 month grand-daughter. She is asleep in my arms. Totally at peace. That makes me very happy. 3 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenWhen I can see the good in what is happening. 2 Reply KC7 years agoKCFeeling and being connected with life makes me happy. Spending time with family and friends, in/ with nature and the elements, playing the piano, singing and experiencing good music, dancing, walking, hiking, cycling, being with dogs and other animals, being with children and young people, reading a good book, writing… 2 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelwhat’s interesting about the question today is I’m struggling to expand what makes me happy. There is something that makes me deeply unhappy yet make 4 others in my family happy. I need to appreciate their side of the matter and accept it. 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaI agree. Sometimes it is the same for me. Not easy. 0 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhat makes me happy? How do I know it? By way of just what is implied by Kornfield in to-day "Word of the day" "Those who are awake live in a constant state of amazement." JACK KORNFIELD But in my agreement with Kornfield "awake' means specifically ...."Alignment and Atune-ment" between my temporary - present - day -self and my Permanent - non-changing, -Inner-Self. Re: "the how do I know" question. This is answered by the fact that when resonating in the "awake" state of "A... What makes me happy? How do I know it? By way of just what is implied by Kornfield in to-day “Word of the day” “Those who are awake live in a constant state of amazement.” JACK KORNFIELD But in my agreement with Kornfield “awake’ means specifically ….”Alignment and Atune-ment” between my temporary – present – day -self and my Permanent – non-changing, -Inner-Self. Re: “the how do I know” question. This is answered by the fact that when resonating in the “awake” state of “Alignment and Atune-ment”, there is relaxed alertness and non-judgementalness of all aspects of awareness, inner and outer. Words such as “happy”, “peaceful”, “present”, “Godly”, “balanced”, “complete”, “content”, “joyfulness” “soulfulness” etc can only point to that state of natural “Being-ness” . Read More1 Reply Ben7 years agoBenThe first thing that comes to mind is singing. The second is hugs. The third is friends being themselves, sharing openly together. The fourth is flowers. The fifth is service and seeing someone’s heart open like a flower or resonate like a song. The sixth is trees. The seventh is stars…. I’ll cap the list there for now, though it feels good to remember and name that right now! And how do I know I’m happy? I mostly feel it in my chest, my heart – an expansiveness, tenderness, ... The first thing that comes to mind is singing. The second is hugs. The third is friends being themselves, sharing openly together. The fourth is flowers. The fifth is service and seeing someone’s heart open like a flower or resonate like a song. The sixth is trees. The seventh is stars…. I’ll cap the list there for now, though it feels good to remember and name that right now! And how do I know I’m happy? I mostly feel it in my chest, my heart – an expansiveness, tenderness, and affection, the sense of being deeply connected or sharing in life beyond my habitual concern with a concept of myself and all I supposedly lack or need before I can be happy. All that melts away (or at least fades to the background) – and the feeling of shared life is revealed, the heart knowingness of our actual lived existence as part of nature, and part of each other, and inseparable from a mysterious, loving source. Read More3 Reply Tawnya7 years agoTawnyaHappiness comes in moments of wonder or awe. I know I am having such a moment because I feel centered and fully alive. 1 Reply Donald M. Lee7 years agoDonald M. LeeUnderstanding that life is not going to be an always happy experience has helped me to appreciate the times when I am not happy for giving me balance to hold in comparison. Without the unhappy, the happy would be less significant. That being said, I find happiness in my life comes from noticing and appreciating the little things, like a child's laugh, the smell after a morning rain, puppies, kittens, an elderly couple walking hand in hand, the smell of fresh coffee, hugs, and so many others. I a... Understanding that life is not going to be an always happy experience has helped me to appreciate the times when I am not happy for giving me balance to hold in comparison. Without the unhappy, the happy would be less significant. That being said, I find happiness in my life comes from noticing and appreciating the little things, like a child’s laugh, the smell after a morning rain, puppies, kittens, an elderly couple walking hand in hand, the smell of fresh coffee, hugs, and so many others. I am drawn to the simpler things in life to find peace. Read More1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaThe smell of fresh coffee, early in the morning….wonderful! 2 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmIt is wonderful Anna! ???? 1 Reply Deb7 years agoDebHappy. Like Kevin stated, so many things. And the emotion is not singular, but includes other emotions such as gratefulness, contendedness, curiosity….. 1 Reply Gina7 years agoGinabeing one with nature, gliding in my kayak amongst clean water, fresh air, nothing but God’s nature all around me in the water, sky, air, earth……. it is wondrous indeed and I am happy because, I breathe in each moment, my heart fills and I sing! 2 Reply Always Learning7 years agoAlways LearningBeing safe makes me happy. I deal with dialysis, the financial results of so much medical “stuff,” and the keeping up with daily tasks. Just being safe and OK makes me happy and hopeful. 4 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaThe newness of this day, being awake and outside for its earliest unfolding. I know it as a feeling of expansiveness rising from my heart. 3 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaConnection with God makes me happy. I know it because I feel so damn grateful for it! A gathering with friends to eat, talk & laugh makes me happy. I know it because I’m “high” for the rest of the day. My plans for today make me happy: a concert and overnight road trip to Albany with my sister & two friends. I know it makes me happy because I’ve been looking forward to it for weeks! It’s my vacation! Cheers all! 3 Reply Paul Y7 years agoPaul YI feel the same way Christina. Being near the Lord and spending time with this one friend makes me very happy. just like today 0 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaYeah, it’s really somethin’, isn’t it?! 0 Reply Palm7 years agoPalm???? 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaEnjoy your holidays Christina! 1 Reply Deb7 years agoDebSafe travels, Christina! 0 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaThanks so much, Deb.! 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaCheer 🙂 0 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaAnd to you, too! 0 Reply Janette7 years agoJanetteBeing ill for so long I’d forgotten all that make me happy and am on my journey to getting back to all those things. One thing that makes me happy is that this has humbled me. I thought I realized the struggles many face. I know now that my thoughts didn’t go as deep as they should. My hope is if I get back on my feet I can use this to be there for others going through trials, illness, etc. 5 Reply Ben7 years agoBenI find your intention to use this experience to deepen your compassion is so beautiful Janette! Sending prayers for your recovery. 0 Reply Always Learning7 years agoAlways LearningI first went on dialysis in 1995. Once I accepted my “new normal,” it made it easier to move forward with optimism. Fast forward to 2017 and I am SO much more positive and grateful. I believe this is possible for you, too. 🙂 1 Reply Janette7 years agoJanetteAlways learning… describes me 🙂 1 Reply Janette7 years agoJanetteThank you, so wanting to get back to positive and gratefulness. Thoughts to you also. 1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaDear Janette, sending a prayer for you on your healing journey. 1 Reply Janette7 years agoJanetteThank you so much. I’ve let my illness chip away at my belief and faith. 1 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinThe list of things that make me happy is long and wide, and for that I am grateful indeed. What’s important is that I know what they are first and foremost. And I know when I’m happy because, well, I’m happy! 🙂 – Kevin 3 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmBeing with family, I know it because I feel at peace, it is not necessarily an excited happiness. I am grateful I will be visiting my family next week 4 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb