Daily Question, June 16 How might it be if I were to meet this day, allowing experiences to unfold without any expectations? 23 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Sieger des Friedens7 years agoSieger des Friedensit is to be in pure curiosity – just open for whatever happens. What an adventure. 3 Reply Laurie7 years agoLaurieEasy, calm , peaceful and open to new possibilities, experiences and solutions 2 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteThis would mean that I managed conform to Matt 6:22 to 34 and/or what the New Age calls “Being in the Now” ( Tolle and company ) and Very much open to Maslow’s “Mystic Moments” as quoted by Br David in his "Deeper then words". This "Mystical Moments" point is a overlook by most spiritual discussions BUT is potentially the most "attitude changing of them all." Bottom line here, I prefer simply calling it “being in the wisdom of a child” Matt 6:22 The eye is the lamp of the ... This would mean that I managed conform to Matt 6:22 to 34 and/or what the New Age calls “Being in the Now” ( Tolle and company ) and Very much open to Maslow’s “Mystic Moments” as quoted by Br David in his “Deeper then words”. This “Mystical Moments” point is a overlook by most spiritual discussions BUT is potentially the most “attitude changing of them all.” Bottom line here, I prefer simply calling it “being in the wisdom of a child” Matt 6:22 The eye is the lamp of the body; if therefore your eye be bright, your whole body is also lighted. 23 But if your eye is diseased, your whole body will be dark. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how much greater will be your darkness. 24 No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and like the other; or he will honor , and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (wealth). ……………….and on to /…………………….. 33 But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all of these tfi1ngs shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry for tomorrow; for tomorrow will look after itself. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble. Closing off with an overview of “Mystic moments”… “peak experiences” as decisive for an understanding of religious faith. In our peak moments, we experience existential communion with an ultimate reality that transcends our own limited self. This experience is so basic that we cannot reasonably doubt its insight. It makes no sense to ask, “Is this real?” because what we encounter here is the reality that sets our standard for all that is real. One of the leading psychiatrists of the mid-twentieth century, Maslow set himself the task of finding out what characterizes people whom one would consider models of mental health. To his great surprise he found that the psychologically healthy, highly creative, and resilient people he examined had one thing in common: mystic moments. They reported experiences in which they felt a sense of limitless belonging and experienced the goodness and beauty of all that exists-very much like the great mystics of the different spiritual traditions. Maslow spoke of “peak experiences” because his colleagues frowned upon the term “mystic,” but to the end of his life he insisted that there was no difference between the two. Read More2 Reply Brenda7 years agoBrendaI would feel a true trust in God and a sense of peace. 3 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd Schulte!Amen! to that “feeling” Brenda 0 Reply KC7 years agoKCI seem to have taken that approach today, before reading the question. And, curiously, so far so good! I am not sure I could bring few expectations as a regular practice, but it us worth trying. Could be a whole new relaxed freedom, openness and ease, particularly with more challenging and uncomfortable experiences. It might also lead to more curiosity, openness, understanding and kindness. towards self and others. ????????… 1 Reply Ginni7 years agoGinniI love this question! I am going to start my day tomorrow with it! 1 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaWow, what freedom that would be!! Gotta try it. 2 Reply Anonymous7 years agoAnonymousWhat a relief it is when I reflect on this. It feels I am contained in life instead of life in me. I feel more free and like burden uplifted. Less fearful.Specially yesterday I went through a very closed heart and head. This reflection sure helpes me to feel lighter…..I will apply it when I feel closed door through out the next couple of days or anytime in my life. Thank you for today’s reflection. I am indeed grateful. Lots of love to all. 2 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelIt would be good — a challenge — but good. 2 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenAllowing an experience to unfold without any expectations is a good way to live. It gives a clean slate. It allows different perspectives. I think I would connect more with everyone. If we could do it all the time we would live in harmony and listen to each other. To some degree I can't imagine the world without expectations. I can't come to work say at whatever time I want. So I define the expectations to human interactions. Not quite able to explain what I mean this morning! Brain does not lik... Allowing an experience to unfold without any expectations is a good way to live. It gives a clean slate. It allows different perspectives. I think I would connect more with everyone. If we could do it all the time we would live in harmony and listen to each other. To some degree I can’t imagine the world without expectations. I can’t come to work say at whatever time I want. So I define the expectations to human interactions. Not quite able to explain what I mean this morning! Brain does not like to think so early Read More3 Reply Gina7 years agoGinatoday is my concert, my women’s choir is doing a fundraiser concert and I am going to try as much as possible to be in the moment and take in the full joy of singing together 3 Reply Mary7 years agoMaryGina, how did this go ? Mary 0 Reply Gina7 years agoGinaMary, thanks so much for your interest. I had tried a positive approach, having this intuition that all was not going to go well. At the rehearsal there was difficulty with others attempting to be" in charge " and being very anxious, so when another person actually pushed me, the director said we had to be comfortable but it was indeed very uncomfortable and not surprising that we had some issues at the concert Even though one song was as if we had never sang together, .most of the songs wen... Mary, thanks so much for your interest. I had tried a positive approach, having this intuition that all was not going to go well. At the rehearsal there was difficulty with others attempting to be” in charge ” and being very anxious, so when another person actually pushed me, the director said we had to be comfortable but it was indeed very uncomfortable and not surprising that we had some issues at the concert Even though one song was as if we had never sang together, .most of the songs went well , it was a full house and it is once again a lesson in not taking things personally and letting things go……..( which I need to constantly to be reminded by the universe) and still very much want to find a way to keep singing……… Read More0 Reply Mary7 years agoMaryYour desire to express yourself through singing is so beautiful, Gina. It sounds like your choir has some feisty women in it, though. That is a lot for you to contend with. Do you have other options in groups to sing with? Maybe a church group or a different church group. Please let me know how things are working out in this area for you. Sending you love, Gina. Mary 0 Reply Gina7 years agoGinaMary, Thank- you, it has been a challenge and draining.....it is a very small community and not many options....we have a new member who is disabled and she choose not to perform but hopefully will sing in the choir when it convenes in fall. I will continue to make it work for me, best I can, it really is not about me...but I am planning to look into taking some more lessons, maybe some more vocal training to build my confidence and looking forward to meeting with my other group. I am conne... Mary, Thank- you, it has been a challenge and draining…..it is a very small community and not many options….we have a new member who is disabled and she choose not to perform but hopefully will sing in the choir when it convenes in fall. I will continue to make it work for me, best I can, it really is not about me…but I am planning to look into taking some more lessons, maybe some more vocal training to build my confidence and looking forward to meeting with my other group. I am connected with another group that meets once a year, and that experience is so amazing…….completely different….. I am very good at thinking it is all about me and I am trying to use this an experience to know that it is only what I do and say that matters and not be responsible for anything else…….I grew up being the scapegoat and that no longer serves me….. I will be kind and empathetic to others as best I can. I know you understand, thanks for caring, Love your way too Mary, Gina Read More1 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelthis made me think extra hard about how do I approach each day? I definitely put together a to do list and a schedule. however, I definitely allow (ok, I'm mostly successful) each moment to be noticed and important. this is why early rising is important. the 30 to be sturdy (30 min of gratefulness, positive/motivational reading/video watching, stretching/meditation/positive self-talk) + doing as much prep work for the day as possible helps me be flexible and inviting to experiences of the da... this made me think extra hard about how do I approach each day? I definitely put together a to do list and a schedule. however, I definitely allow (ok, I’m mostly successful) each moment to be noticed and important. this is why early rising is important. the 30 to be sturdy (30 min of gratefulness, positive/motivational reading/video watching, stretching/meditation/positive self-talk) + doing as much prep work for the day as possible helps me be flexible and inviting to experiences of the day. Read More3 Reply Carol7 years agoCarolThis question reminds me of a quote that is often credited to Eleanor Roosevelt: "The past is history. The future is mystery. Today is the gift. That's why we call it the present." I've come to believe that expectations are fueled by the past and the future so they can rob the present moment from us. I spent a good part of my life "seeking" until I realized that, too, kept me in the past or the future. Now, I do my best to look and see without expectations. I often think of the gospel of John in... This question reminds me of a quote that is often credited to Eleanor Roosevelt: “The past is history. The future is mystery. Today is the gift. That’s why we call it the present.” I’ve come to believe that expectations are fueled by the past and the future so they can rob the present moment from us. I spent a good part of my life “seeking” until I realized that, too, kept me in the past or the future. Now, I do my best to look and see without expectations. I often think of the gospel of John in which Jesus invites his apostles to “Come and See.” I believe such a perspective creates “awe” and as Antoinette shares promotes a sense of freedom. Read More4 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteAllowing life’s experiences to unfold as they may is freedom. Approach life with an open heart and mind. 4 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmToday is a public holiday for us and it’s as if Saturday had arrived earlier, normally that’s what I do on a Saturday: take the day as it comes, whith no timelines and most of the times with no plan. I realate this to the question because it is my way to rest, although there are still chores here and there. So maybe if we allow experiences to unfold with no expectation, we can have more rest, hence more energy? 4 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinIf I truly were able to meet every experience of this new day without expectations then I’m guessing that I would be delightfully satisfied all day. And if that is the intended meaning of this question, then I get it. However, most of the time I arrive at each new experience with at least some expectations already baked in. I believe that some of this is just human nature. In addition, it seems to me that some measure of forethought, longing, hope and desire and pre-calculation are also hidden... If I truly were able to meet every experience of this new day without expectations then I’m guessing that I would be delightfully satisfied all day. And if that is the intended meaning of this question, then I get it. However, most of the time I arrive at each new experience with at least some expectations already baked in. I believe that some of this is just human nature. In addition, it seems to me that some measure of forethought, longing, hope and desire and pre-calculation are also hidden ingredients of each new experience even though we may not be aware of it. – Kevin Read More5 Reply Malag7 years agoMalagKevin’s answer pretty much nails it for me. 1 Reply Deb7 years agoDebMe, too. 0 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb