Daily Question, June 7 What advice has made a big difference in my life? 26 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Nancy Allen7 years agoNancy AllenThe advice that I keep close came to me about 15 years ago during a time of great stress and turmoil. In the middle of the night I arose to use the bathroom. In the dark. I had slept that night in our spare room because my husband was away. As I placed a foot out I felt nothing there. I thought Uh Oh. And tumbled down the stairs. I felt myself seizing in fear. And I heard a clear voice say in my ear "Let go." I went limp like a rag doll. And survived with bruises only. Six months later my frien... The advice that I keep close came to me about 15 years ago during a time of great stress and turmoil. In the middle of the night I arose to use the bathroom. In the dark. I had slept that night in our spare room because my husband was away. As I placed a foot out I felt nothing there. I thought Uh Oh. And tumbled down the stairs. I felt myself seizing in fear. And I heard a clear voice say in my ear “Let go.” I went limp like a rag doll. And survived with bruises only. Six months later my friend’s stepmother broke her neck falling down a flight of stairs. That was my GodSelf voice with advice I use daily in many situations! Read More0 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmTo pay attention to the reaction of my body when making decisions, or having thoughts. This was said to me by a counsellor years ago and it stayed in my mind, still I hadn't really payed attention (why does it takes so long?) Lately I have been practicing it. Also, I am coming across readings on how empaths absorb energies from others, but can put boundaries to that. I have done it already and it's wonderful to feel I am not helpless to external energies. Something I read and liked recently: ... To pay attention to the reaction of my body when making decisions, or having thoughts. This was said to me by a counsellor years ago and it stayed in my mind, still I hadn’t really payed attention (why does it takes so long?) Lately I have been practicing it. Also, I am coming across readings on how empaths absorb energies from others, but can put boundaries to that. I have done it already and it’s wonderful to feel I am not helpless to external energies. Something I read and liked recently: if it’s not hell yes it’s no. Read More2 Reply Aine7 years agoAineBoth from the same wise friend: 1. “You cannot say it would have been better if you had chosen differently; you can only say that it would have been different.” 2. “Healthy people don’t fit in dysfunctional situations.” 3 Reply Valerie7 years agoValerie“Go with the flow.” 2 Reply Whirlwind7 years agoWhirlwind[I’m new, and since I’m still “evolving,” I am especially grateful for this site.] The best piece of advice I’ve received in my adult life has been to breathe. It was during a time when I had become particularly anxious, but the other person's calming advice to “breathe” truly helped. It’s something I’ve carried with me to this day. The concept of deep-breathing may sound like a simple act on the surface, but it’s actually quite hard for me, especially since my mind is su... [I’m new, and since I’m still “evolving,” I am especially grateful for this site.] The best piece of advice I’ve received in my adult life has been to breathe. It was during a time when I had become particularly anxious, but the other person’s calming advice to “breathe” truly helped. It’s something I’ve carried with me to this day. The concept of deep-breathing may sound like a simple act on the surface, but it’s actually quite hard for me, especially since my mind is such a ‘busy’ whirlwind racing most all the time. Thankfully, the other person’s advice that day continues to make a positive impact, turning potentially anxious days into brighter ones. Read More4 Reply Malag7 years agoMalagWhen hit with the challenges of life I become more convinced of the opportunity for deep transformation. Heeding that advice from the heart has led me to many interesting things. Related to that is the advice of throwing lots of things against the wall. Something will stick. Am still doing that with some really interesting outcomes. If i think of all the things that don’t stick I would get into a discouraged state. Instead I see the fun of all the possibilities. 2 Reply Shelly7 years agoShellyMy father used to say: "It's only a 15-minute job. I am sure you have 15 minutes." Whenever I have an overwhelming task OR a task I just really, really don't want to do. I remember that phrase and think: I am just going to work on it for 15-minutes. Many times the most difficult part is just getting started, jumping in. Sometimes I do just work on the task for 15-minutes (and feel relief for not procrastinating one more day) and sometimes I work on past the 15 minutes because I have gaine... My father used to say: “It’s only a 15-minute job. I am sure you have 15 minutes.” Whenever I have an overwhelming task OR a task I just really, really don’t want to do. I remember that phrase and think: I am just going to work on it for 15-minutes. Many times the most difficult part is just getting started, jumping in. Sometimes I do just work on the task for 15-minutes (and feel relief for not procrastinating one more day) and sometimes I work on past the 15 minutes because I have gained some momentum with just starting. It’s been the best advice of my life. (I am doing it right now.) Read More5 Reply KC7 years agoKCWhen I asked my wise Aunt whether I should marry my now husband, she did not miss a beat and said an enthusiastic yes! I took her advice and am very grateful I did. The mother of a high school boyfriend encouraged me to get confirmed in my own church. The mother of a university boyfriend introduced me to Virginia Woolf and Alice Walker, and an ongoing journey of being my own person in the world. 4 Reply ©had7 years ago©hadeat dessert first :). in other words, enjoy every moment 4 Reply Ben7 years agoBenWhen I was in grad school for psychotherapy, I had a wonderful “Small Group Process Leader” (someone who facilitated group therapy in the form of an open talking group rather than a focused educational or skills-building group). Once in the group I was reflecting that I often regret not asking others what they’re feeling toward me, and that I miss chances in that way to know if they really care or are angry with me, and to express appreciation toward them, because I was stuck in a fear le... When I was in grad school for psychotherapy, I had a wonderful “Small Group Process Leader” (someone who facilitated group therapy in the form of an open talking group rather than a focused educational or skills-building group). Once in the group I was reflecting that I often regret not asking others what they’re feeling toward me, and that I miss chances in that way to know if they really care or are angry with me, and to express appreciation toward them, because I was stuck in a fear learned in childhood. His reaction is still with me today: “Well, it’s way too late to start now!” he said with a playful laugh and a warm smile. I opened up much more with other people in the group that day and in the two years we still had together (after a year of already having been in that group). Just openly asking to know what others were feeling when I felt disconnected or perceived someone may be angry with me and wasn’t sure if I’d done something or said something to cause this (which turned out to rarely be the case) transformed my life and has given me a new way to deepen closeness and trust with others ever since. I am honestly more grateful than I can say for that gift. Read More4 Reply Aine7 years agoAineBoy, is that challenging advice! I’m having a situation like this now. Thanks for the perspective. It gives me food for thought. 1 Reply Francine Marie Tolf7 years agoFrancine Marie TolfI am not sure that advice, however wise, has really changed my life. But the actions of others have had strong impact……witnessing kindness, courage and patience (my particular stumbling block) is powerful. And so is witnessing their opposites (and wincing when you recognize your own behavior). 4 Reply Deb7 years agoDebPay attention to your gut feeling. 3 Reply Ose7 years agoOseFalling seven times and rising eight times. It came to my mind always in the right moment when I needed to focus on the light which always is there. 5 Reply John7 years agoJohnAn old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life... "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves." "One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego." "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith." "This ... An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life… “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.” “One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.” “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.” “This same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” The old chief simply replied, “The one you feed.” Read More6 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenfollow the breath 3 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhat advice has made a big difference in my life? The Point of Contact for the teaching of Ahmesta Kebzeh ( pre-sufism) reassured me that… “Everything you will ever need to know IS right there on the back of your eyelids”. And Dr. Stylianos Atteshis ( Daskalos ) on the Teachings of Joshua Emanuel the Christ. “Your are not going to become something that you are not already” and “Nothing comes from nothing”. 3 Reply Kelly7 years agoKellyMy father once told me; when I turned 20 years old, to " always keep the music playing in the background of my life." He wrote this in a birthday card to me. It was his way of reminding me that there is joy in everything; that life is a celebration and that happiness is our natural state. I've never forgotten his words of wisdom and more than once in the years since I have marvelled at how God spoke through my Dad that day. 10 months earlier I was the victim of a violent crime. The assailant ... My father once told me; when I turned 20 years old, to ” always keep the music playing in the background of my life.” He wrote this in a birthday card to me. It was his way of reminding me that there is joy in everything; that life is a celebration and that happiness is our natural state. I’ve never forgotten his words of wisdom and more than once in the years since I have marvelled at how God spoke through my Dad that day. 10 months earlier I was the victim of a violent crime. The assailant had not been caught, and I was existing this state of suspension….a feeling of constant dread, all the color and sound drained from daily life. His words that day gave me permission to feel happiness again. Read More5 Reply Michael7 years agoMichael*A college basketball coach’s mantra T S U. Tough, Smart, Unselfish. *A best friend and preacher “it’s not just about justice…it’s about love”. *Jack Canfield “gratefulness, meditation, positive self-talk, motivational reading/watching, exercise…every morning”, *The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, *Ms Haggerty my high school algebra II teacher “you have to read”, *Dr Eric Thomas “It’s not about how many books you read, how much are you applying?” 2 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimTo trust my intuition and my instincts, and not be impeded by the voices and pressures of who/what is outside me. Nobody else knows my heart and soul with the clarity that I do. I think this advice came primarily from myself and my life experience. But it has been grace to have it honored by a select few of really good people. 3 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinTo marry a spectacular woman 44 years ago; To have a family; to become a Quaker and to follow a spiritual leading that became a ministry to the present day, God willing, All this, as I look back was powered by the advice of the heart. 3 Reply Gina7 years agoGina“the Heart “, lead with the heart, that was my best advise….. 1 Reply 1 2 Next » My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb