Daily Question, April 19 What are the riches in my life that cannot be lost? 34 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Kim SD7 years agoKim SDThinking really hard about this one; everything can be lost…and is…don’t want to repeat Jeremiah, but even the love of our closest loved ones can be lost. Our own awareness can be lost in Alzheimer’s, and even the awareness of God’s love can be lost. So I can’t think of anything of “riches” that cannot be lost. Isn’t one of the aspects of grateful living to acknowledge that the riches we have are miraculous, but impermanent? 0 Reply Mary7 years agoMaryInteresting question. I am not sure what the answer is. It seems like anything can be lost and anyone can die. I could say that there is life after death and I will never die. That is so abstract to me that I am not sure what I think about that. When my Dad died April 30 2010 I told the hospice worker that I did not know what to think about life and death and did not know where my Dad was. She told me that I needed to make a decision about what I believed. I don’t think about it much bu... Interesting question. I am not sure what the answer is. It seems like anything can be lost and anyone can die. I could say that there is life after death and I will never die. That is so abstract to me that I am not sure what I think about that. When my Dad died April 30 2010 I told the hospice worker that I did not know what to think about life and death and did not know where my Dad was. She told me that I needed to make a decision about what I believed. I don’t think about it much but I still don’t think I have decided. This question feels almost like a riddle to me. I will read the answers from others and maybe that will help me to have an answer. I have no wisdom to share on this topic, but I am ready to learn from others. Mary Read More3 Reply Amy7 years agoAmyMy Family. are the Riches. Thankfully we are happy, grateful and blessed that we are all healthy. 3 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimI sense that there is a great, collective Wisdom, Beauty, Energy, and Light that holds somehow in memory all that has occurred in our lives, remembering beyond our individual memories, and cherishing the good with a vast tenderness and grace. We tap into this sometimes, when hope arises unbidden, when there is love beyond all expectation, when an impossible forgiveness shows up in our hearts. We may disconnect from this, or forget to seek/ask, but it cannot be lost. 5 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinLoving your response here, Pilgrim. Thank you! 0 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimThank you Kevin, Mary and Anna. 1 Reply Mary7 years agoMaryThis answer feels good to me. Beautiful answer, Pilgrim. Mary 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaPilgrim, for me your words sound like a poem…the good that our world is holding, even when it doesn’t seem true, the memory beyond individual memories, even when we forget what has happened….I love your poem, it is a source of hope. 2 Reply Fei-Fei7 years agoFei-FeiMy suffering at the moment seems unavoidable. I am very grateful for this experience. May happiness be born from the suffering, happiness of myself and others. 3 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmHopefully the capacity of joy to always bounce back 3 Reply Aine7 years agoAineLove. Love that has been, Love that is, Love that will be, and of course the Source of all Eternal Love. 3 Reply KC7 years agoKCThe gift of each moment and breath to wake up, celebrate, honour, enjoy, choose, live and serve as best I can. My relationship with spirit, truth, beauty and the endless manifestations. The dear ones in my life, past, present and future. ???????? … 3 Reply Ben7 years agoBenI love this question! I want to say the smile of a friend, the light in their eyes, a moment of deep empathic connection, sharing wonder and beauty in nature, the subtle togetherness glow that arises when singing with friends, or in the presence of deep honesty. And yet I think all this in some way does pass - it fades from memory, and the moment itself is in some way gone forever just as it ends, like a ripple in a stream. And I think at the same time there's that which doesn't pass, which... I love this question! I want to say the smile of a friend, the light in their eyes, a moment of deep empathic connection, sharing wonder and beauty in nature, the subtle togetherness glow that arises when singing with friends, or in the presence of deep honesty. And yet I think all this in some way does pass – it fades from memory, and the moment itself is in some way gone forever just as it ends, like a ripple in a stream. And I think at the same time there’s that which doesn’t pass, which is held in these experiences, and which holds them. And I don’t think that’s really able to be named, only pointed at, though I like words like beingness, source, God, essence, spirit, love, presence. Ultimately these words seem to create another duality though, as if presence were some Platonic ideal thing that existed apart from everyday things that come and go. It seems to me any experience of the heart is in some way eternal, maybe like a ripple in a stream is made of water and never really separate. And it seems to me the riches we try to hold onto – a self-image, a role, money itself as an abstract measure of worth, power, achievements, anything that attempts to create an ultimate and final measure of our worth – is trying to grasp the flow of this stream, to fix it in one place, and so it passes with extra pain, for the people we love, for ourselves, and for the planet. What a great question! I love that “the answer” itself keeps feeling inadequate, keeps changing as I look into it more, because the question points to a reality I can’t grasp with words… Read More5 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteYay Ben! Happy you’re back! 0 Reply Amor fati7 years agoAmor fatiSo good to read your words of wisdom again. Thank you 0 Reply Ben7 years agoBenThank you Amor! 0 Reply Ineunt7 years agoIneuntThe love of my wife, my incredible marriage, the ability to serve others, my family and their unconditional support. I cannot lose these things. These people are, at the end of the day, all that matters. Their love fills me with positivity no matter how dark the days get. 4 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhat are the riches in my life that cannot be lost? All qualities of LIFE known as “The Kingdom of Heaven” which have been acquired during past Life experiences and those acquired during this present life time, combined. These provide the foundation for the next incarnation (including Theosis and beyond ). Quoting Br David here, “There is no way to God’s Kingdom-God’s Kingdom IS the way. Or, as Saint Catherine of Siena put it: “All the way to Heaven is Heaven”.” 3 Reply Gina7 years agoGinaall and more that are yet to be experienced……so many riches….. 3 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenWhatever insight and wisdom I have. The love I have for people in my life. These will sustain me while I have my life. My appreciation for life itself. 3 Reply Linda7 years agoLindaNature, music, trees, mountains, flowers, the ocean, my beautiful warm cozy home, animals, books, delicious food, singing birds, butterflies, singing crickets and frogs, my pond and waterfall, my gardens, adult coloring books, creative activities, my church, forests, Spring and summer, my Gratitude journal, my crystal and animal sculpture collections, heart warming art work, wonderful friends, continuing personal growth, my passion for things. 4 Reply Anita7 years agoAnitaFaith. Love of others. Tolerance. Kind responses and acts. Joy. Peace. Generosity of spirit. Prayer life. Hope. Belief in my God. ???? 5 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelLife — until it is not. ???? 3 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelThe positives that are improved upon/carried on/used for more positives 3 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteThe riches that can’t be lost in my life are my attitude and resiliency. I’m grateful for my deep abiding connection to love and truth. 6 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinSuch a great question today! However, when I die, the riches in my life die also, do they not? They may remain behind for the living to enjoy but I do not take them with me. Still, I enjoy this question for what it asks. As long as I have “my life,” I have my being. Thus far I can feel and hear, taste and see and I can wonder, even think (at times!). For sure, these everyday riches that we seldom pause to truly notice are blessings and a gift of life itself. – Kevin 4 Reply Malag7 years agoMalagFor me it is now. Whatever there is in now. I have grown to appreciate it. It used to be shy and hide from me behind all the stuff but now it peaks out more often. Everything else can be lost to me even the memories that are priceless. 5 Reply 1 2 Next » My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb