Daily Question, December 7 What would I miss most if it was no longer here? 43 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. grateful sea7 years agograteful seaBirdsong. What if Rachel Carson had not written “Silent Spring” and so many people had not listened? Bees…. 3 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaps there is such a lovely video, “Holy Bee” you can watch right here on this site. 0 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardThe firsst thing that came into my mind was trees. 5 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaAh, what a gift to us are trees. 2 Reply Covadonga Najera-Aleson7 years agoCovadonga Najera-AlesonMy incredible teenage son ♥️ 3 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617As I've mentioned before, I have been dealing with different forms of loss recently. I have had some personal transitions that feel like a loss. I lost my job with no advance notice (I have since found another). Currently, wildfires are sweeping my region. Earlier in the week, fires ravaged one of my favorite towns, a place that I have come to see as a refuge. Yesterday, fires near my office prompted an office closure. Today, I am on alert that high winds could pick up an ember and start a fi... As I’ve mentioned before, I have been dealing with different forms of loss recently. I have had some personal transitions that feel like a loss. I lost my job with no advance notice (I have since found another). Currently, wildfires are sweeping my region. Earlier in the week, fires ravaged one of my favorite towns, a place that I have come to see as a refuge. Yesterday, fires near my office prompted an office closure. Today, I am on alert that high winds could pick up an ember and start a fire close to my home. With all of that, however, I find this question difficult to answer because I still have so much to lose. Both of my parents are still alive and available for me. My partner brings me so much joy and comfort, as does our pet cat. I have a safe (more or less), comfortable place to live. I have a wonderful network of friends I also have tremendous freedom to do what I want when I want. I have the ability to make people laugh, which I treasure so much. I also have the opportunity to perform and create. How could I pick one thing I would miss the most? I have so much but can still feel empty. I saw a quote from A.A. Milne the other day, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” Read More2 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaYou and your community I will keep in my heart these next days. I will light a candle for you here. 1 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardI have been hearing about those terrible fires on the radio and have been wondering if any of you on the web site were involved.. The sheer terror of the uncertainty of the fire’s path. My radio has just told me that 200.000 houses have been destroyed. God be with you all and keep you safe.Your quote from A.A. Milne brought tears to my eyes. 2 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617Thank you. I don't know the full scope of the damage. It is really an extraordinary experience because this massive destruction is taking place around me, but my exposure to it is limited. I have seen photos of the fires, but my experience of it is just some smoke in the air. As I said, my office was closed in the middle of the week. When I returned, people were speaking about the fires and dealing with some of the ramifications, but we didn't have a group processing or acknowledgment. It was... Thank you. I don’t know the full scope of the damage. It is really an extraordinary experience because this massive destruction is taking place around me, but my exposure to it is limited. I have seen photos of the fires, but my experience of it is just some smoke in the air. As I said, my office was closed in the middle of the week. When I returned, people were speaking about the fires and dealing with some of the ramifications, but we didn’t have a group processing or acknowledgment. It was like business as usual, which is so bizarre to me. The sun is back in the sky, businesses are open, and buses are running. It is both reassuring and disconcerting. Read More0 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardThat is the amazing thing about humans. Their ability to get on with things and bring everything back to ‘normal’ as soon as possible and be there for each other. 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaOh, what a strange mix of emotions it must be, as you say reassuring and disconcerting. I, like you, would very much want/need to process as a group. It seems to me that such a ‘coming together’ is the only good that can come of these natural/man-made disasters. It seems the only clear-eyed way forward. I’m grateful you are okay and that are sharing your experience on this site. Here’s to you, to me, to all of us being the change we want to see in the world. 1 Reply Elizabeth M Jones7 years agoElizabeth M JonesMy beloved husband Stanley my family my children my grandchild my mind … A priest to serve the sacraments, a church, clean water, clean air to breathe. 1 Reply danette7 years agodanettelove, laughter, light and music 1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaMay your day be filled with these blessings. 0 Reply Patito7 years agoPatitoLa tranquilidad de mi ciudad, mi vista y oido, mi familia, mis amigos, mis perros 1 Reply John Turner7 years agoJohn TurnerWow, that list would be quite long…..but one thing that would be at or near the top: I’d miss the sound of laughter (both other people’s and my own). 2 Reply Debra Maddex7 years agoDebra MaddexMy loved ones. My sight and hearing. 1 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaReflecting about this daily question, I remembered the movie “Meet Joe Black”. In the end of the movie Antony Hopkins says how is difficult leave and say good bye … I believe I would miss everything in my life. 3 Reply Amor fati7 years agoAmor fatiDid anyone else get TWO Daily Questions today? 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaYes, I did too. Wrote a comment but couldn’t submit. I thought it was just due to my very slow internet connection. Then I pasted it into my private journal but it’s not there now. Ah, well. I look upon it as the universe encouraging me to practice non-attachment. 0 Reply Amor fati7 years agoAmor fatiGone from my screen too.and even from My Profile 0 Reply Debra Maddex7 years agoDebra MaddexYes I did! I answered the first one and now it’s gone. 0 Reply Amor fati7 years agoAmor fatiI certainly hope Kevin is right…..that we do not “miss” life after it is gone. 1 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteI would miss love if it were no longer here, but thankfully that’s not possible. I’m grateful for love its always here. 1 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardThanks Antoinette for expressing that thought. I was struggling to find it but could not. All I could think of was trees. 1 Reply Deb7 years agoDebThis website. 2 Reply Sheila7 years agoSheilaDeb, I would miss this website also!!! It is wonderful, so uplifting and inspiring!!! Have a good day!!!???? 1 Reply Laura7 years agoLauraThe list is long, but I am just getting started with this practice, so I will pick the first thing that comes to mind. I would miss my excellent health. Today is my 61st birthday, and I am just about to leave for Crossfit class. I’m not very good at it, but at this age I am grateful to be able to attempt it. 5 Reply Sheila7 years agoSheilaLaura, welcome to this wonderful website! Good for you going to Crossfit class! Happy birthday! I am 64 and honestly love getting older. I hope you do, also. Peace and blessings.???? 1 Reply Laura7 years agoLauraI do love it Sheila! I didn’t expect to! Thanks so much. Blessings. 1 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinettewelcome Laura! Good for you and I agree that health is super important! Once again I would say I’m grateful for life! 2 Reply Always Learning7 years agoAlways LearningIf “it” was no longer here… my faith. If “they” were no longer here… my brother, he has been a Godsend to me in so many ways. 1 Reply Sheila7 years agoSheilaAlways learning, how nice to hear your brother is a Godsend to you. I hope your dialysis treatments are going as well as possible and you are feeling ok. Blessings to you.???? 0 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenMy family, democracy and my spiritual practice. There’s a long list but I will leave it at that for now. 1 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhat would I miss most if it was no longer here? Any signs that Humanity was still capable of Rational thinking ( aka “Common sense” ) 4 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelmy family. the ability to communicate. the ability to create. love. 3 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinWell, if I was no longer here, meaning I was no longer alive, I wouldn’t be missing anything because I’d be dead. Thus far, I am grateful to be listed among the here and now to experience all that life has to offer. 7 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmI am laughing again with death talk here at the office 🙂 Thanks Kevin 2 Reply 1 2 Next » My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. 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