Daily Question, August 20 What do you know for sure? 29 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Kit7 years agoKitWhen a flower does not grow, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower. 1 Reply hazelnut7 years agohazelnutI know for sure that what I think I know is, well ….not much 0 Reply wendy7 years agowendyThat death is a part of life and that this profound loneliness will lesson with time 2 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaDear Wendy, I light a candle for you here. With love, C. 0 Reply wendy7 years agowendyThank you for your kindness C. 0 Reply Susan7 years agoSusanI know that I love my husband and my children and my grandchild with unconditional love. 3 Reply Maya7 years agoMayathey are fortunate to have you! 2 Reply Lioness7 years agoLionessThat things always get worse before they get better… but that they always get better. This motto makes me believe that i can turn every negative into positive, even if i do not realise it at the time. 3 Reply Maya7 years agoMayathat everything changes and that I can control very little, or at least much less than my mind would like to… 5 Reply Always Learning7 years agoAlways LearningGod is with me always. His light moves through me, for me, and with me. I am an expression of His love, and I have the opportunity each day to share that love with others. My talents, skills, and abilities are my unique gifts to share and celebrate. 4 Reply Loving_Kindness7 years agoLoving_KindnessI know for sure that love matters most 3 Reply Lunamagicae7 years agoLunamagicaeI know for sure that I am a good, compassionate and kind soul who wants the best for this world and its inhabitants. 3 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleenI know for sure there is pleasure and pain, that we die, that we all have a unique path, that we can’t change others only ourselves. that we are here to learn. That love is more powerful than hate and that everything changes and that there are so many belief systems that hold these truths because we are all human. struggling to do the best we can. 9 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaAll I know for sure is that everything changes. Everything changes. And that knowledge is the basis for the gratefulness/great fullness I feel in this moment for the beauty I love right now. [This, too, changes as I sit here thinking.] 4 Reply Deb7 years agoDebFor sure? What do I know for sure? I am reminded of a favorite quote by Lucy Grealy in her book “Autobiography of a Face”. “I used to think truth was eternal, that once I knew something, once I saw, it would be with me forever, a constant by which everything else could be measured. I know now this isn’t so, that most truths are inherently unretainable, that we have to work hard all our lives to remember the most basic things. ” what do i KNOW for sure? I live. 5 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelUltimately? Nothing. Even the “what,” the “you” the “know” and the “sure” in the question. ???? 3 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmThat my daughter is priority and for this, I need to take care of myself first. So grateful at the moment because we got the place we were waiting for at a special education school. Wishing all parents to be able to get adequate education for their children 5 Reply Trevor7 years agoTrevorTruth bends for no ego. 3 Reply KC7 years agoKCI know I am alive. I know I have compassion for others. I know the power of positive thinking. I know writing is good for the soul. I know how to trust. I know how to live life. I know I am thankful for each sunset and sunrise. I know how to be a best friend. 9 Reply Sieger des Friedens7 years agoSieger des FriedensDear KC, thanks for the opening you evoked and enabled to expand into it. 1 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelthat the science of neuropsychology has caught up to our intuition. living a grateful/thankful life, exercising, using positive thinking, creating a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset all make our brain work better. 5 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhat do you know for sure? That within RUMI’s “Word of the Day”….just that much…for sure.‘ “When you do things from your soul, the river itself moves through you. Freshness and a deep joy are signs of the current.” RUMI RUMI’S wisdom points to what some have named the "Self Evident" and this term is echoed, again, in these flowing words by Plotinus …quoting here from Bucke’s ‘Cosmic Consciouness’ “The wise man recognizes the idea of the good within him. This he develo... What do you know for sure? That within RUMI’s “Word of the Day”….just that much…for sure.‘ “When you do things from your soul, the river itself moves through you. Freshness and a deep joy are signs of the current.” RUMI RUMI’S wisdom points to what some have named the “Self Evident” and this term is echoed, again, in these flowing words by Plotinus …quoting here from Bucke’s ‘Cosmic Consciouness’ “The wise man recognizes the idea of the good within him. This he develops by withdrawal into the holy place of his own soul. He who does not understand how the soul contains the beautiful within itself, seeks to realize beauty without by laborious production. His aim should rather be to concentrate and simplify, and so to expand his being; instead of going out into the manifold, to forsake it for the One, and so to float upwards towards the divine fount of being whose stream flows within him.” Read More6 Reply Sieger des Friedens7 years agoSieger des FriedensYeah, indeed very little but impeccable: the power of light, rhythms (cycles of law) of the universe, frequencies of interrelatedness and timing, …. few basic and underlying principles which life provides like creation and death, changes of manifestations of life, Onnness….may be all what I just described are also thought patterns, which I am constructing in order to get better acces to – as all believe systems offer. However, the stalking of this creati...Yeah, indeed very little but im... Yeah, indeed very little but impeccable: the power of light, rhythms (cycles of law) of the universe, frequencies of interrelatedness and timing, …. few basic and underlying principles which life provides like creation and death, changes of manifestations of life, Onnness….may be all what I just described are also thought patterns, which I am constructing in order to get better acces to – as all believe systems offer. However, the stalking of this creati…Yeah, indeed very little but impeccable: the power of light, rhythms (cycles of law) of the universe, frequencies of interrelatedness and timing, …. few basic and underlying principles which life provides like creation and death, changes of manifestations of life, Onnness….may be all what I just described are also thought patterns, which I am constructing in order to get better acces to – as all believe systems offer. However, the stalking of this creation of responses, are helping to see, listen and love each other…. Read More4 Reply Jeff7 years agoJeffI know for sure that the older I get the less I know. I know that there is a god and that when I lose my connection with it, I sink into despair. I know that I see beauty, even in the most difficult of circumstances, if I choose to. 8 Reply Gina7 years agoGinaJeff, I agree I know so little about myself and my world around me and all of life as I get older…..but there is always the freedom of choice…the choice to see what I experience …. 5 Reply 1 2 Next » My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb