Daily Question, August 29 What is my wish for the world? 18 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. KC7 years agoKCPeace and awakening to a kinder way of being with ourselves, each other and our beautiful world. 1 Reply Tiare7 years agoTiareMy wish for the world is that all living beings thrive in their magnificent expression. Healthy, happy and inspired! 3 Reply JoeytheHoff7 years agoJoeytheHoffTo persist. 2 Reply Sieger des Friedens7 years agoSieger des Friedensthat we are seeking solutions in relatedness to each other and discover the underlying patterns of thougt, which hinders us to get together and go for it 3 Reply Maya7 years agoMayaMy wish: that I and many be more conscious more of the time 1 Reply Kit7 years agoKitMy wish for the world is to know that Love is all there is. Whatever version of love you feel. Make the world welcome the love that you have. Be the love that you do not receive in your world, but need, want and desire. Look beyond man made troubles, spread your version of love. Love is all we really have. Love is the answer. Be the love. Welcome the love. Love is the foundation of peace, mercy and happiness. 5 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhat is my wish for the world? That Humankind learn the fact behind the point which His Holiness the Dalai Lama has made. His said, “If Mankind fully understood the principles of Karma then there would be no need for any Penal System of any kind.” What he was pointing to is…if Humankind would learn to clear their Sub-consciousness minds of hate, malaise, greed, envy etc etc , there would be no aggression. Balance would exist between Soul-Self and Personality-self….not “Peace”... What is my wish for the world? That Humankind learn the fact behind the point which His Holiness the Dalai Lama has made. His said, “If Mankind fully understood the principles of Karma then there would be no need for any Penal System of any kind.” What he was pointing to is…if Humankind would learn to clear their Sub-consciousness minds of hate, malaise, greed, envy etc etc , there would be no aggression. Balance would exist between Soul-Self and Personality-self….not “Peace” as Western Mentality wishes for because he knows that peace has an opposite ….it is called “stagnation”. And stagnation leads to sloth and then hate, malaise, greed, envy etc etc can creep back in again. He is supporting the wisdom of Joshua Emanuel the Christ who reminds us “stay alert” and St Paul’s warning, “don’t let the light/flame of your Spirit grow dimmer” Read More2 Reply Aine7 years agoAinePeace comes to mind first, but the path to get there has to be paved with mercy and justice. Peace is not something that gets granted, I think, like a wish or a Christmas present, but which only comes after a lot of hard work. We have to work together in mercy and justice to achieve peace, as well as the ideal world Kevin describes. The hard part of this is that it requires work, but the blessing is that it makes Peace something we can work towards together. It is not out of our hands but wi... Peace comes to mind first, but the path to get there has to be paved with mercy and justice. Peace is not something that gets granted, I think, like a wish or a Christmas present, but which only comes after a lot of hard work. We have to work together in mercy and justice to achieve peace, as well as the ideal world Kevin describes. The hard part of this is that it requires work, but the blessing is that it makes Peace something we can work towards together. It is not out of our hands but within them. Read More2 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteMy wish for the world is peace and love. For all beings everywhere to be happy and free from suffering. 2 Reply Lunamagicae7 years agoLunamagicaePeace and respect, amongst humans. Peace and respect amongst humans and animals. Peace and respect amongst humans and the earth. 3 Reply SeeAreLow7 years agoSeeAreLowThat we all are able to work together for the greater good of everyone. 1 Reply Susan7 years agoSusanPeace. 2 Reply Cindy7 years agoCindyThat we are all in this together, we all need to assist each other but need to understand that means self responsibility and contribution. 3 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleen“……Imagine all the people living life in peace…..” and all in that song. 1 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelpeace…but, with justice. the places and people that have been torn be made whole. the perpetrators of the tearing and destroying sacrifice and give up their standing/power/means to make the wholeness happen. also, smiles…the word for the day is powerful. 3 Reply Chester7 years agoChesterMy wish is that the default state of all things would be greater order, rather than disorder – that those drawn to create order would be the overwhelming rule rather than exception. 2 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinMy wish is to wake up to a world where children have all the shelter and food that they need and are safe in their homes. I wish to wake up to a world where countries provide for the health of their citizens, where militaries need to hold bake sales to raise money to buy bombs. That’s the kind of world I’d like to wake up to. – Kevin 6 Reply Always Learning7 years agoAlways LearningMy wish is for love, understanding, and forgiveness to enter the heart of every person on Earth. 3 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb